
getopts for Windows batch files?

Is there an easy way to detect options/switches passed in to a batch file via the command line? I'm looking for something along the lines of sh's and bash's getopts. ...

Using switches inside batch file

I have a batch file and I need to invoke it like this "mybatch.bat -r c:\mydir", and the batch file loops through the directory and writes file names to the output. The problem I'm facing is that I cannot read parameter "-r". Here's what it looks like: @echo off echo [%date% %time%] VERBOSE START for %%X in (%1\*.xml) do echo [%dat...

Windows batch file - calculating filename from current date

I would like to create an environment variable to hold a filename something like: I can get close if I use something like this: SET filename=PREFIX-%date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~0, Result: but in this case, I get the month as two digits (08). Is there any easy trick in Windo...

problem running a.vbs a.bat

I have these 2 files a.vbs and a.bat each has only one line. a.vbs CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False a.bat copy c:\blah\y.y c:\ When it works, it runs a.bat quietly in the background, which does the file copy. I can do a.bat That works. I can open a command prompt...

batch file directory expansion

I am trying to write a batch file that exists in an arbitrary directory and will create a new directory two levels above it. For instance, the batch file here: w:\src\project\scripts\setup.bat would create: w:\src\ I can't seem to figure out how to expand a path. Here is what I am currently doing: @set SCRIPT_DIR=%~dp...

run command after jetty starts in batch

Ok, here's the problem. My goal is to run FF Portable, when Jetty starts. My start.bat looks like that: @echo off start /B start_jetty.bat start /B start_firefox.bat start_jetty.bat: @echo off cd jetty-7.1.6/ java -jar start.jar start_firefox.bat: @echo off ping -n 1 -w 6000 "%cd%\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.ex...

Windows batch script url decoding

I have a batch script that triggers vlc for me on my network, the problem is it opens based on URLs in a browser. The browser automatically adds the %20 in place of a regular space, and I need to replace this with a regular space again in my batch script before sending the file path on to vlc. Here is my code; @echo off set str=%1 set ...

Command Line in Batch file?

I am making a batch file to automate mysql installation silently. When I type the following line in the command prompt everything works fine. "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqlinstanceconfig.exe" -i -q ServiceName="mydb" RootPassword="pos" ServerType=DEVELOPMENT DatabaseType=INNODB Port=3306 My question is: can I someh...

Is ERRORLEVEL reliable?

Since ERRORLEVEL is an environment variable isn't it possible that its value can be changed before I get a chance to check it in my batch file? ...

Trying to process files using a Batch. No output, Nothing happens.

I'm trying to pass files one by one(I have to dot that since executable only accepts one file at a time). So, in my batch I have follwoing: FOR /F %file IN ('dir /b /s *.css') DO CALL myExecutable.exe %file I should see out files in same directory but nothing happens, no errors are displayed either. Am I missing something here? ...

How can I pass a space separated variable into a bat file?

Hi I am wanting to pass a space separated variable into a batch file like: c:\applications\mi_pocess.bat A1 1AA when I run echo %1 in mi_process it returns A1 How would I go about it recognising A1 1AA to be a single string? I have tried wrapping it in Double quotes in my external software like c:\applications\mi_pocess.bat + chr$...

Batch File: Iterate Over Files Modified Since a Given Date

I want to create a batch file that executes a command (delete the file, for a simple example, though my command is custom/different) on each file matching a wildcard (say *.jpg) that was modified since some date (such as 1-1-2010 or later). The date can either be hardcoded in the batch file or passed as a command line param. Pseudocode...

Executing batch from Java

Let's say, I have a Java class am executing 2 batch files from this Java class. Each .bat files starts another Java application. Lets say these other two app takes 15 hour each to complete, and they are also not dependent to each other. How can I solve this issue. I dont have to wait for one to complete so that I have...

java executing batch file

I am executing a bat file from java (batch file executes another java app) Now, how can i make sure that batch executed and triggered the another java app. IS there any way to tell that another java app started successfully. ...

Change attributes of a group of files in MS-DOS

The MS-DOS command attrib changes the attributes of a single file. How can I use it to change the attributes of a group of files? ...

Detect Internet Connection down in windows using batch programming ?

I'm using net conn .which goes down after sum time bt if i repair my connection it works fine , i hv to do it manually always.... i want to do this task automatically. so i want to make a batch file in windows which will constantly running in background . and when my Internet network connection will down it will renew my connection and ...

How? Create batch file that finds text in txt files + SUBDIRS then >> concats to 1 output.txt.. See code so far..

1 Thanks for check this out The following batch file (findit.bat) works to find a string variable in a single directory for %%a in (C:\myDir\*.txt) do find "%1" >> %%a >> output.txt Example from command prompt: c:> findit someword all files that contain "someword" are written to > output.txt The question is: how do I have this i...

Script/Batch file to add HKCU key

Hi! We have an application which creates an HKCU entry when first run by each user. As the registry is locked down, this causes an error and requires our Tech Support to grant then remove access each time. We have 300 users and can rollout the application's installation remotely via a LANDesk batch file package. I need to be able to add ...

How to execute a Window Batch File on HTML?

When I execute or Launch the .bat file on my HTML link it gives me a Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error: "Could not find the main class:com.cronlo.toptv.installer.finder.InstallerFinder. Program will exit." I tried to google and I tried everything, I even tried to convert bat to exe hoping that it will work...but no luck... Please hel...

Is it possible to retrieve (programatically) the exit code of a Windows task?

I am running a task from inside a batch file like this: schtasks /run /tn TASK_NAME The task, in turn, executes another batch file, that may exit with an error code thus: exit -1 Is there any way to get the exit code of the task that completed? ...