
Batch File Wildcards

I want to generate a bat file for multiple tag processing and the command lines look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\tools\tag.exe" -t Genre="%genre%" "%_folderpath%\%track%. %title%.%_extension%" IF ERRORLEVEL==1 PAUSE I can populate all variables automatically but can I replace the %title% variable with a wildcard? ...

Carriagereturn(CR) to LF+CR

Hi, i want to convert CR to CR+LF in batch file. Howe can i do this by writing batch file. Please help. I am taking input from file and in that file i want to change CR to CR+LF ...

batch file + convert LF to CR+LF

HI, We have a shell script file named which does a function of converting a Linefeed(LF) to Carriage Return + LineFeed. We want the same to be done by a batch file in windows . Is it possible. Linux shell file E_WRONGARGS=65 cat OutputList|while read -r Line do if [ -z "$Line" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename-...

How to delete Linefeed using batch file

Hi, I want to delete Linefeed in text file using batch file. Is it possible to do. Please provide some help ...

How to remove CR from CRLF

Possible Duplicate: Whats the best way of doing dos2unix on a 500k line file, in Windows? i have windows format*.cpp files now i want to convert it into Linux format(File with LF only) Is it possible to write a batch file. Please provide some valuable help Thanks ...

Loop issue displaying data in TXT file with BATCH programming

HI, I want to display datas in text file. Here i have Listfile.txt and want to display each line using batch file. How to do this with looping. Below is my code for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (Listfile.txt) do ( set /a N+=1 set v!N!=%%a ) set hostname=!v1! echo %hostname% pause Data in Listfile.txt: 4mLinuxMachine.cpp Shutd...

Nesting for loop in batch file

Hi, i want to nest for loop inside batch to delete Carriage return. I did liek this but not working please help @echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (Listfile.txt) do ( set /a N+=1 set v!N!=%%a ) for /l %%i in (1, 1, %N%) do ( echo !v%%i! for /r "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (windows.cpp) do ( ech...

Tool to compare/diff HTML in bulk

I have a lot of HTML files (10,000's and GBs worth) scraped from a server and I want to check to make sure the server produces the same results after some modifications but ignore kinds of differences that don't matter, e.g. whitespace, missing newlines, timestamps, small changes in some kinds of number, etc. Does anyone know of a tool ...

grails and mysql batch processing

I'm trying to implement the advice found in this great blog post for batch processing in grails with MySQL. The problem that I'm having is that inclusion of periodic calls to session.clear() in my loop causes org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException's to be thrown. There's a quote down in the comments section of the page: You’re sec...

Trying to process files using a Batch. No output, Nothing happens.

I'm trying to pass files one by one(I have to dot that since executable only accepts one file at a time). So, in my batch I have follwoing: FOR /F %file IN ('dir /b /s *.css') DO CALL myExecutable.exe %file I should see out files in same directory but nothing happens, no errors are displayed either. Am I missing something here? ...

Android Batch Installation of apks

Hi, We have a set of 4-5 enterprise apps that need to be downloaded and updated automatically. I am using the PackageInstaller to install the downloaded apks. However I am not able to automate the installation process without user input. Is there a way of doing batch install without user input? Best, Sameer ...

Run a batch file continuously after 20 minutes (windows xp OS) ?

I want to run a batch file which contain command arp -d * ( used to flush the MAC entry table) I want to execute this batch file continuously after 20-20 minutes .. regulary ? How can i do this with batch programming ? Plz guide me .. hoping for quick and positive response .. ...

Service to process queued long-running processes - where to start?

What's the best way to build a service to handle queued long-running processes? For example, this is what we're trying to do User uploads 401k data to web Data goes into processing queue (a database table) 401k is processed (could take a couple minutes per client) User is informed via e-mail that 401k was accepted We could certainly...

rails batch processing questions

In my app a user can set the status of a Post to different flags like 'v' - visible, 'd' - mark for delete etc. These flags are set via controller actions. I have a batch process that runs and cleans all the posts marked for delete. Post.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = ?', 'd']).each do |p| p.destroy end This batch process runs ...

Batch file to reduce length of file name

i download file names like this.. batchengine-6099-1283555555-60054_20100910_0006.era and want to rename them to 60054_20100910_0006.era. The names change but format same, need for statement to rename of all big files ending in .era ...

batch processing ploblem - Please help

I have a problem with my script. What i want it to do is take the first .m4a file of multiple .m4p files and do faad(it converts the .m4p file to a wave file but keeps the .m4p file),then BEFORE it goes on to the next .mp4 file i want it to do oddenc on the .wave that was newly created via the faad command, this creates an .ogg file.I...

any sample for batch processing in hibernate ?

Can i find the example of batch processing in java hibernate so that i can run delete queries on two tables. ...

Rename multiple sequentially numbered files and change numbering format using BASH?

Hey all,     I have a bunch of sequentially named files in this format: imageXXX.jpg. So it would be like image001.jpg and onward. I just want to keep the number part of this, and get rid of the prepended 0's. So instead, that file would be named 1.jpg. How could I achieve this using BASH? Thanks!   -Trey ...

FaceBook search: What are its technical requirements and innovative features deserving attention?

Facebook has cooked into their search some features that are unique -- possibly some are patented, even? The features I speak of are driven by three distinct requirements: The fact that their database is gigantic, and they can't just JOIN their way over to the data they need as they need it, as you can, typically in a single-homed busi...

C# batching enumerator

Possible Duplicate: LINQ Partition List into Lists of 8 members. I've got an IEnumerable<T> and I'd like to transform it into an IEnumerable<List<T>> where each List is a batch of items in the same order as the original enumerator. Each batch should be batchSize items in length, except for the last batch which should contain l...