
Eclipse Spring Builder set properties with Groovy beans

I typically use groovy to construct simple bean but the Spring IDE plugin to eclipse fails to build when I try to set a property that is generated by groovy without an explicit setter. For example, class MyGrooyClass { def propertyA } and in the spring configuration file I have something that looks like: <bean id="MyGroovyClassBe...

JSF, multiple bean update property in a form

I edited my question to be more precise as I have more time to write it. I have a JSF form that should modify the value of the different properties of a dog : <h:form id="submit"> <h:outputLabel value="Dog name:"/> <h:inputText value="#{}" id="dogName"/> <h:outputLabel value="Name :"/> <h:inputSecret va...

Getting access to a spring bean from a webservice?

I have created a cxf webservice within my cxf.xml file I have the following tag. bean id="videoStatsTable" class="" From what I understand Spring should create this object for me. The problem is I'm not sure how to get access to it. It seems as if I need the servletContext but as I'm in not i...

jsp:setProperty for bean not working properly

Hi I am having issue of set property tag not working properly. I have a jsp which I am including in webcenter as portlet. <jsp:useBean id="pathEditor" class="backing.bean.AppletBean" scope="page"/> <jsp:getProperty name="pathEditor" property="username" /> ${pageContext.request.remoteUser} <jsp:setProperty name="pathEditor" property="us...

Any existing way to make sure beans defined in spring xml are stateless?

Working on a large size project, we started to use spring to manage our dependency injection. Since most dev are migrate from coding stateful class, we found some of stateless bean actually contain instance variables which themself are stateful. Correct me if I am wrong, it shouldn't be too tough to write a unit test to verify that all ...

How to throw an exception out of my java bean

I use a javaBean in my jsp-application to store form values. This is how I get my values into my bean. This code is part of my form.jsp try { <jsp:setProperty name="formparam" property="*" /> } catch (Exception e){ error = true; } I left the "<%" out to not break the code display on stackoverflow. Now I get my exception ...

JSF Managed Bean auto-create?

Is it possible to have a JSF managed bean be automatically created? For example I have several session scoped beans. Sometimes it becomes necessary to access these instances in code (rather than just in JSF) this is done by: PageBean pageBean = (PageBean) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("pages...

How is Bean's property referenced?

I have something like that: faces-config.xml <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>aBean</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class>some.pack.Bean</managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope> </managed-bean> I have a bean and in jsp page I have something like value="#{aBean.someBoo}". But I dont have such prop...

Is it possible to call JSF events from an Inner Bean?

Hi, i want to know if it is possible to call JSF events, such as a valueChangeListener and actionListener from an Inner bean, that is, a bean that is an objetc inside some other Managed Bean? Thanks. ...

Ibator didn't generate Oracle varchar2 field


can you explain to a layman what is a bean in the Spring ApplicationContext?

I'm walking through a spring mvc tutorial,and it says: Controllers are managed exactly like any other bean in the Spring ApplicationContext ...

PHP XML Strategy: Parsing DOM to fill "Bean"

I have a question concerning a good strategy on how to fill a data "bean" with data inside an xml file. The bean might look like this: class Person { var $id; var $forename = ""; var $surname = ""; var $bio = new Biography(); } class Biography { var $url = ""; var $id; } the xml subtree containing the info might look lik...

struts 2 bean is not created

Hello colleagues! At first some precondition to my question, I'm using struts2 + tiles2 + toplink. NO spring at all. The simplest scenario - is to display list of entities on the page. To optimize resolving JPA's EntityManager I would like to create helper (JPAResourceBean) that implements lazy load of entity manager. For this purposes ...

looking for good solution to invoke http client method in a bean (i.e. MDB, session)

---[ejb request]--> bean -----[http request]----> host I would like to invoke http client method (http put, get...) within a bean, but I want these beans, either MDB or stateless session bean, run as quick as possible (with extreme short life time). Problem is, the http connection is too slow (especially when connecting to slow host...

Output a String from an array in JSP

Hi everyone I want to make a quiz, I want to have to output an array of questions after a form is submitted. I know to use a bean I think but how would I do this? Thanks ...

JSP: Use information from one page to another

Hi, I currently have a JSP page with a Form for the user to enter their name, but what I want is to get the user forwarded to a different JSP page after form submission and to carry on their name to be used. I don't want to use JSTL EL just simple JSP uses. I was thinking of using a bean storing the detail in a session but how would i...

By using ejb 3 , jsf and jboss is it possible to call a ejb method from web module?

Even if I have different modules in my jee application including myproject-web and myproject-ejb; is it possible to call (or inject) my ejb session bean which is in the ejb module from a managed bean which is in the web module? When I asked before, I see the following declaration: @EJB private BeanInterface yourbean However, I wanna lea...

Spring/Eclipse 'referenced bean not found' warning when using <import>?

I have just broken up a Spring bean configuration file into smaller external files and have used the the "import" directive to include them in my Spring Test application context XML file. But whenever I reference one of the beans from the imported files I get a warning within Eclipse/STS/Spring XML editor complaining that "referenced be...

Spring - using static final fields (constants) for bean initialization

Hey, is it possible to define a bean with the use of static final fields of CoreProtocolPNames class like this: <bean id="httpParamBean" class="org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParamBean"> <constructor-arg ref="httpParams"/> <property name="httpElementCharset" value="CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_ELEMENT_CHARSET" /> <prope...

JSP + View bean complete example

I found this interesting tutorial that explains the concept of view bean with some code snippets, but I'd like to view a complete (simple) web application in a real world scenario using plain JSP and view beans (not using struts, spring or jsf framework). Thanks for pointing me to...