
Bindable Linq vs. Continuous Linq

Does anybody know and can explain the major difference between Bindable Linq and Continuous Linq? •Bindable LINQ: •Continuous LINQ: One more project was added basing on the provided feedback: •Obtics: ...

BindableAttribute, Combobox, Selectedvalue property - WinForms

I am deriving from combobox (WinForms) and am providing a new implementation for the Selectedvalue property. It works fine as is, but any change to the selectedvalue property is not updating other controls bound to the same "binding context" to change their values accordingly. I did try adding the BindableAttribute(true) to the propert...

BindableLinq collection nesting

I'm wondering if there is a way to do this in bindable linq: var LeftItems = AllItems.Where(p => !RightItems.Contains(p))); I have tried liberal use of the AsBindable(), but it doesn't work for me.. var LeftItems = AllItems.AsBindable().Where(p => !RightItems.AsBindable.Contains(p))); If this is not supported in BindableLINQ, is th...

JQuery: Is there a way to do Flex-style data bindings?

Several new UI/Query frameworks allow you to "bind" UI elements to data structures. When data in the structure is updated, the change propagates to the UI element, automatically. Some examples of this include the [Bindable] tag in Adobe Flex, and the "Bindable LINQ" extension for .NET . Is anyone doing this in JQuery? ...