
Some [Bindable] properties in Flex work, some don't

Problem solved, see below Question I'm working in Flex Builder 3 and I have two ActionScript 3 classes (ABC and XYZ) and a Flex MXML project (main.mxml). I have an instance of XYZ as a property of ABC, and I want XYZ's properties to be visible ([Bindable]) in the Flex project in text controls. Unfortunately, only prop3 and prop4 upda...

JQuery: Is there a way to do Flex-style data bindings?

Several new UI/Query frameworks allow you to "bind" UI elements to data structures. When data in the structure is updated, the change propagates to the UI element, automatically. Some examples of this include the [Bindable] tag in Adobe Flex, and the "Bindable LINQ" extension for .NET . Is anyone doing this in JQuery? ...

Using ASDoc with Bindable metatag and mxml

I am creating the documentation of my flex project using ASDoc and having some issues with the bindable metatag. ASDoc doesn't document public Bindable values unless the Bindable tag has an event name associated with it. For example: //This is documented correctly [Bindable("someEvent")] /* * public bindable with event name * */ p...

Flex 3 Binding problem

I have a custom ActionScript class: package EntityClasses { import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [RemoteClass(alias="")] [Bindable] public class CompanyInfo { public var companyInfoId:int; public var companyName:String; public var streetAddress:String; public var postNumber:String; pu...

binding to arraycollection does not work

Hi, I am using flex SDK 3.5. I have and in it i have an ArrayCollection (name it arr_mod) which is Bindable. From my mxml i link to this arr_mod in three places: 1) in DataGrid i set dataprovider={arr_mode} ... 2) in Button i add new item to the arr_mod this way: mx:Button .. click = "{arr_mod.addItem(new Item)}" 3) in textBox...

Combine Hibernate class with @Bindable for SwingBuilder without Griffon?

Dear All: I have implemented a back-end for my application in Groovy/Gradle, and am now trying to implement a GUI. I am using Hibernate for my data storage (with HSQLDB) per (with Jasypt for encryption) and it is working quite well. I was wondering if there are any good tips for ...

Groovy Bindable default value????

Dear All: I would like to have a text field whose value always reflects that of a certain field in a given object. I thought Bindable might be the way to do this. However, using the following example: #!/usr/bin/env groovy import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import groovy.beans.Bindable import static javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE cla...

How to search a string within a flex datagrid dataProvider 4?

Hello friends, I tried using filterFunction not get any results, check out this example: [Bindable] public var SearchLoadlistOneDP:ArrayCollection; public function SearchList():void { SearchLoadlistOneDP.filterFunction = filter; SearchLoadlistOneDP.refresh() } public function filter(item:Object):Boolean { var beginsWithStrin...

Getting the target when using bindable getter in flex

Hi I have the following files: clint.mxml in clint.mxml I have the following line: <s:Group id='clint1' x="model.locationX"> ... in the I have a getter: [bindable(event="locationXChanged")) function get locationX () : int { return ... } My problem is that I need to know within the getter locationX that the id ...

Flex: make getter Bindable in an value object

I have an value object in Flex which looks like: [Bindable] public class MyVO { public var a:ArrayCollection; public var b:ArrayCollection; private var timeSort:Sort; public function ShiftVO(){ timeSort = new Sort(); timeSort.compareFunction = sortDates; } public function get times():ArrayCollectio...

Ways to implement Flex [Bindable] in other languages

As you may know, ActionScript allows you to mark a variable as [Bindable], causing any changes to that variable to have immediate effect all over your application. Pretty neat. How would you implement this feature in your favourite programming language? My first guess was to use events or wrapper classes, but I couldn't come up with a c...

Flex components property change event

I have a custom component on which I have bound an array collection to one of its proeprties: <comp:MyComp id="comp" prop="{images}" /> images is an arraycollection In the components' code I would like to know which event to listen on everytime images updates props.I tried a setter on props but the setter only gets called once when p...

flex bound visibility messes up during fx animations

working in flex 4 i have a variable: [Bindable] public var visibility:Boolean = true; these effects: <fx:Declarations> <mx:Fade id="fadeOut" duration="800" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0"/> <mx:Fade id="fadeIn" duration="800" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0"/> </fx:Declarations> and the following component: <s:HGroup visible="...