What Java versions does Griffon support?
I want to write a Swing application in Griffon but I am not sure what versions of Java I can support. ...
I want to write a Swing application in Griffon but I am not sure what versions of Java I can support. ...
Obviously the Java API reference, but what else is there that you all use? I've been doing web development my entire career. Lately I've been messing around a lot with Groovy and I've decided to do a small application in Griffon just to experiment more with Groovy and also break some ground in desktop development. The only thing is ...
I can see how to instantiate a second MVC group, e.g. def (loginPaneModel, loginPaneView, loginPaneController) = createMVCGroup('LoginPane', 'LoginPane', [:]); view.loginPanel = loginPaneView.loginPanel But I don't want to show as part of my main window. I want it to pop up over it. What do I call to do that? Thanks...
I am experimenting with Groovy Griffon development and I am wondering what IDE to use. I am trying to use NetBeans 6.5, and I found this post http://blogs.sun.com/geertjan/entry/notes_on_converting_netbeans_grails essentially it describes forking the NetBeans trunk and hacking the Grails support; I was hoping for something more ligh...
Hi, What's the proper way to set up a scroll pane using groovy's SwingBuilder? I'm using griffon and I'm having a hard time adding and removing components dynamically... Here's a snippet I've tried within SwingPad. It works ok, but the remove only take immediate effect if my scroll pane has scrollbars. If not, it takes 4-5 secs. Here'...
At the moment I am playing with Griffon. Everything works very smooth except for the testing. I like to test the separate controller methods without starting the whole Griffon application. To do this it seems to me, that I have to mock the view and the model which are used in the controller. Because of the mocking with Expando objec...
I am new to griffon, and am trying to get somethings working on it. When I run the command install-plugin gsql, and then run-app or test-app, my griffon application, I get noClassDefFoundError "Lgriffon/Core/GriffonApplication". The error occurs only after I install the plugin. I have no idea why is it there. Any help appreciated, th...
I have 2 comboBoxes in my View of Griffon App (or groovy swingBuilder) country = comboBox(items:country(), selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'country', value:model.country), actionPerformed: controller.getStates) state = comboBox(items:bind(source:model, sourceProperty:'states'), selectedItem: bind(targe...
I am creating an application using Griffon->SwingBuilder. I would like to able to center the application on the desktop. I know we have the 'location: [x,y]' argument we can provide on application creation. Is there anyway to access desktop properties to calculate the center? ...
Dear All: I have implemented a back-end for my application in Groovy/Gradle, and am now trying to implement a GUI. I am using Hibernate for my data storage (with HSQLDB) per http://groovy.codehaus.org/Using+Hibernate+with+Groovy (with Jasypt for encryption) and it is working quite well. I was wondering if there are any good tips for ...
The application that I would like to revamp is pretty well organized. UI is separated into a module. UI controllers implement the interface PropertyChangeListener. When other modules want to have something happened in the UI they just fire PropertyChangeEvents on UI controllers not being aware what is behind them. Current implementations...
When I create plane java Swing components like dialog boxes etc, it is very easy to make a unit test to display the Dialog. Basically, I can just create an instance of the dialog and call setIsVisible(true). I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to do this with a griffon View. I've been trying to do this with integration tes...