
Error received when installing Grails birt-report plugin

Hi all, I want to use BIRT Report on Grails, but when I install the birt-report plugin, it is not complete and returns an error. Can you help me with BIRT Reports and showing the BIRT Report Viewer on a GSP Page? This error : Installing BIRT v2.5.0 OSGI Platform libraries into C:/Users/Dev/.grails/1.3.4/projects/TestBirt/plugins/birt-r...

How to use Grails with BIRT report and show BIRT web viewer

I installed the birt-report plugin on a Grails web application project but I cannot understand to use it. I have 2 use cases: Generate BIRT web viewer and show on GSP Page (Show chart report) Generate BIRT report to some other file format (PDF, Word, etc.) Can anyone please provide examples of how to do this? ...