Android: Internal Linkify does not work properly, and text, images flicker inside ListView

I enabled the Linkify property of a textview as follows: txtbox.setAutoLinkMask(Linkify.WEB_URLS); But, when there are URLs like are present (which is very common nowadays in messages like tweets), it doesn't display them properly. The problem is "sometimes" it succeeds and sometimes it fails... The other problem is, if this Te...

URL redirection problem

i have the below url When you place the above url in a browser and hit enter it will redirect to the below url But where as when i try to find the base url (after eliminating all the redirect urls) for the same above url via a python prog...

Can we count how many times an item has been shared in Google Reader?

This is related to recent "Google Buzz Count" feature on famous blog Mashable - While trying to dig into logic they are using for "Google Buzz Count", I somehow reached to the conclusion that, essentially, they are counting how many times an item has been shared in Google Reader?...

Where should I create a shortened URL to my users' profile page for MVC architecture?

I have a Rails app where people have a profile page - To create the profile username, I use a before_create AR hook in my model: before_create :generate_username def generate_username self.username = a_user_name_i_generated end I would also like to save a shortened URL to the user...

Is there an API to determine the most common link in a number of tweets?

Is there an API (Twitter API does not provide this) that I can use to determine the most common links in 200 tweets for example. What I want to do is to get the latest 200 tweets and then determine what are people talking about, I am sure that the tweets will contain links (because I will ask the twitter API to return tweets that contain...

Help with parsing JSON result from in .NET

From a .NET assembly (non-web app)... The normal response from is somewhat in the form of below. What is recommended way of consuming that result so that I can easily get the value of the shortUrl field? Since the original URL comes back as a "key", building a model class to deserialize it to and using LINQ does not seem to mak...

Which HTTP redirect status code is best for this REST API scenario?

I'm working on a REST API. The key objects ("nouns") are "items", and each item has a unique ID. E.g. to get info on the item with ID foo: GET New items can be created, but the client doesn't get to pick the ID. Instead, the client sends some info that represents that item. So to create a new item: P...

bitly php url wont work???

Hi guys, <?php include('bitly.php'); $bitly = new bitly('myusername', 'myapikey'); print $bitly->shorten(''); ?> WORKING!!! $currenturl = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; inc...

How to get a long url from a short url

I would like to determine what the long url of a short url is. I have tried using http HEAD requests, but very few of the returned header fields actually contain any data pertaining to the destination/long url. Is there: 1. Any way to determine the long url? 2. If so, can it be done without downloading the body of the destination? Tha...

tiny URL api Automati in flex 3

hello i am working in application of twitter in flex 3 and action script 3 , this in the text area when the user write my application automatically change http address to a short address but i don't know find the address within the text you can help me please.. thanks in advance ...

Characters problem in

Hello, When I try to shorten a link with "#,&" character I get an exception. Is there a way to handle these character properly? This is a sample code that works: String shortUrl = bitly.getShortUrl("http://z"); //Works If I add for example '&' or '%25' to the string it will throw an exception: String shortUrl = bitly.getShortUrl("h...

jQuery .ajax call to returns results in IE but not FF or Chrome

I am trying to call to the URL shortening service using jQuery with an .ajax call. update I wondering if this is a cross-domain security issue? I'm making a call from to <html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="t...

Returning a Value From the JS API Callback

Hey all, I am attempting to turn this "one shot" script into something more extensible. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to get the callback function to set a value outside of itself (please note that references to the API and the prototype.js frame work which are required have been left out due to login and apiKey in...

How to get redirecting url link with php from

I'm trying to get url links to those redirects. I've tried to open links with file_get_contents but it already gets content from redirected site, but how to get its url? ...

Is it possible to generate custom URLs through their API?

I would like to be able to generate custom bit.lys ( type things) through their API. This does not appear to be possible, but I thought I'd check; does anyone happen to know otherwise? ... API use issues (shorten,lookup,and clicks)

Hi, as part of my time is'nt dediacted to PHP dev, I'm having an issue wich is probably easy to solve, but having absolutely no logs (PHP logs, browser firebug logs...) I'm pretty stuck. Here's my code; as I'm testing stuff, it's pretty raw. The index.php file : <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/...

Where to put API call in Rails app

I'm planning on using Pro and the API to make my own short urls in a Rails 3 project. I've got a User and a Note model. And a url structure like this: '/username/1-note-title'. Now I would like to give each note a short url. But I don't know from where I should do the API call. Right now I got this code in the Note contro...

Parsing XML response of

I was trying out the api for shorterning and got it to work. It returns to my script an xml document. I wanted to extract out the tag but cant seem to parse it properly. askfor = urllib2.Request(full_url) response = urllib2.urlopen(askfor) the_page = So the_page contains the xml document. I tried: from xml.dom...

What is bitly='BITLY_PROCESSED' in <a> tag ?

While i was inspecting facebook html code through with firebug in Chrome, i found this tag : <a href="" title="Home" bitly="BITLY_PROCESSED"/> What is the bitly attribute? Anyone has an idea? :) ...

jQuery AJAX URL Shortener JSON request not working

I'm stuck - and it's pretty frustrating for something I thought was going to be simple :( Jquery: $.ajax({ url: ""), type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ console.log(data); }}); I've tried doing this, and FF gives me an "invalid label" error, Chrome gives anoth...