
UDP minimum delay.

Hi, I have two computers (Client/Server) transferring video frames with UDP on 1G Ethernet. I use socket size as ~ 1.5k. If I make less then 10ms delay between data sending there is data loss, which is very slow for me if I want live video broadcast. If there formula to calculate time delay needed between data sending? Can I test if HW...

Detecting video bitrates from a PCAP dump of a (progressive download) stream

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that takes in a PCap dump, detects whether there is an flv stream in it, extracts the bitrate, and infers from the packet times the streaming performance (how long it took to download vs how long the video was). Ideally this should be in C on Linux, but I'd be happy if I can get a prototype working in ...

MP3 Bit Rate Quality Detection through Frequency Spectrum Analysis

Does exist any program that detects the bitrate of an mp3? I'm not talking about the effective bitrate that the file has been encoded with, but the real bitrate that can be calculated only by frequency spectrum analysis. For example, to explain more clearly what i mean for the two kinds of bitrates: if i have an mp3 encoded in 128kbps w...

ffmpeg (webm) doesn't respect requested bitrate

On a 2 minute clip: ffmpeg.exe -pass 1 -passlogfile pass.log -i E002.avi -b 368k -maxrate 1000k -ab 62 -y out.webm ffmpeg.exe -pass 2 -passlogfile pass.log -i E002.avi -b 368k -maxrate 1000k -ab 62 -y out.webm the bitrate still goes up to 2mbps. I tryed with -qscale 24 and it does the same thing. edit log: frame= 1323 fps...

Optmizing video for rtmp streaming?

Hi, Does anyone know of a guide of how to best optimize video for streaming (RTMP) over the internet? Including optimisation of: bitrate framerate frame size audio p vs i frame proportions Thanks in advance. ...

How to specify encoding bitrate while capturing from a webcam - MS Expression Encoder 4

I have a program to capture and save live webcam video. This is taken from sample programs coming with Expression Encoder 4. LiveJob job = new LiveJob(); EncoderDevice video = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video).Count > 0 ? EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video)[0] : null; EncoderDevice audio = EncoderDevice...