
Ordered delivery send port leaves a running instance in BizTalk

I have a MSMQ send port in BizTalk that is configured to send messages using ordered delivery. When the port has sent a batch of messages it leaves an instance of the port as an active running instance. I still receive the correct files in the correct order but I have to manually terminate the used port instance. If I send new files it...

Adding behavior to wcf basichttp in biztalk 2006R2

Hi I am using a wcf basichttp adapter in biztalk using ESB guidance 1.0 i made a test without biztalk involved calling an asmx service and i ended up with this configuration file : Now i have to add the behavior in the wcf basichttp dynamic port i am creatin. According to...

The EdiReceive and SendEdi pipelines are missing from my BizTalk 2006 R2 application

I am still learning BizTalk and EDI. When I originally started at my current company I inherited my predecessor's computer, so a lot of configuration was already in place. I recently got a new laptop, and have almost finished configuring the new development environment. There was no documentation on how to setup a dev environment before ...

Difference between Long running and non transactional Orchestration

what is the difference between Long Running transaction type and None transaction type, set for an orchestration or a scope. One difference that I know is that Long Running transaction can have compensation block. ...

Biztalk - can I change the receive port of an existing receive location?

I have two different receive ports and two receive locations - one location assigned to each port. The ports are set to receive the exact same type of file - I ended up with both because I consolidated two different applications that did the same thing. I want to combine both locations into a single receive port, but I don't seem to be ...

Is there a way to automate turning a BizTalk Receive Location on or off through code?

Is there a way to automate the turning on or off of a Receive Location in BizTalk? It seems like there should be some kind of API or some such for this kind of thing. I would prefer to work in C#, but WMI or some kind of script would work too. ...

Biztalk - processing a flat file receives "no subscribers found" message

I've created a flat file schema in Visual Studio from an instance of a CSV file I have, and it validates fine, and I've hooked up an orchestration to send and receive ports set to expect a file of that schema. When I publish the orchestration and use it to pick up a file, it's immediately suspended, with the following error: The publ...

Biztalk orchestration request-response exception handling

I have an orchestration that uses a request response port to call to a web service and wait for a response. This is working perfectly. I am now doing tests to handle errors and I am calling a web service that throws a divide by zero exception. The orchestration doesn't catch the exception as an exception; it acts as if the SOAP fault I ...

BizTalk File Adapter: Pick files from subfolders

In File adapter configuration, we can specify a folder path to scan for new files. but this doesn't work if we want to monitor whole tree i.e. folder and all of its sub folders for new files. any idea how can I achieve this behavior in BizTalk 2006 Thanks ...

Microsoft.Biztalk.explorerom.dll reference in application resulting system.nullreferenceexception

Hi, I have a application in order to start/stop applications and ports of Biztalk server 2006 r2. I have used "Microsoft.Biztalk.explorerom.dll (C:/Program Files/Biztalk Server 2006/Developer tool) " to achieve this. This is working fine on development machine since biz talk server is installed on local machine. But in the produ...

BizTalk Send Port OutOfMemory Exception

Hi all, I have a BizTalk solution deployed at a customer site. (BizTalk 2006 R2 with the non WCF adapters) One of the orchestrations issues an RFC call to a SAP system and returns a big message. The message is mapped to a SQL Adapter Send Port schema which is calling a stored procedure. Recently I'm running into a OutOfMemory exception...

Biztalk Cluster Servers

Hi, we used to have 1 biztalk 2006R2 32bit server. We recently upgraded it to Enterprise. But because our traffic size we didn't have enough power and memory with only one. So we also recently installed a second biztalk server, a 2006R2 64-bit, and we put them in a shared cluster. Since then a problem arose, actually two but I'm guessin...

Biztalk HL7 Pipeline problem

We have a strange problem. I added a couple of new schema's and orchestrations similar to ones we already had, and redeployed. The thing is, we recently upgraded to SP1 biztalk 2006R2 and I'm not really sure if this is the cause of our problem. I get an error like this: There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "blablabla.pipel...

Exception handling in biztalk 2006 R2

Hello I have a Biztalk 2006 R2 project (used with ESB Guidance 1) I am calling from orchstration to a static method in c# code, this method uses a class to load a file data into xlang message body at part 0 When i pass filepath which doesnt exists the inside class catch the exception but dont throw it up (in the static method there is a...

Import small number of records from a very large CSV file in Biztalk 2006

I have a Biztalk project that imports an incoming CSV file and dumps it to a database table. The import works fine, but I only need to keep about 200-300 records from a file with upwards of a million rows. My orchestration discards these rows, but the problem is that the flat file I'm importing is still 250MB, and when converted to XML u...

Biztalk - local variable in expression shape

Sometimes when I'm writing XLANG/s code in an expression shape, it would be more readable if I could just use a temporary variable within the scope of that one code block. I hate to clutter up the entire orchestration with a variable declaration. Is there a way to declare a variable within an expression shape? ...

maximum string length quota error consuming WCF webservice from Biztalk.

I'm getting this error message "The Maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quotea may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader" In the one of my orchestrations that consumes a wcf webservice...

BizTalk Server Threading in Receive Pipelines

I am building custom pipeline components for receive pipelines in BizTalk Server (2006 and 2009). I am building the components in a streaming fashion. My question: for any single inbound message, if I have a disassembling component, when I create n messages from a single inbound message, will the message agent always use a single thread...

Can a BizTalk Receive Port pull in FailedMessageRoutings like a Send Port does with filtering?

Is there anyway for a BizTalk receive port to initialize an orchestration, pulling in FailedMessages that could otherwise be routed to a send port in the console using filtering on ErrorType exists and the origional port name where it occurred? Or is this only possible on send ports? ...

BizTalk Flat File Failed Message Routing

I have found some broken threads across the web where people claim to be able to use receive shapes in an orchestration with XLANGMessage types to receive flat file schema files that could not be assembled into a specific xsd. I've attempted to set the messagetype in the receive shape as Microsoft.XLANGS.BaseTypes.XLANGMessage, but th...