
BlackBerry - RadioButtonField, hide border on select

I have a screen with two RadioButtonField objects. By default, the first RadioButtonField shows a rectangle around it to show its selected, and the rectangle moves if you change the selection to the other RadioButtonField or other buttons and textboxes on the page. What I would like to know there a way to hide this border that sh...

BlackBerry Horizontal Scrolling in TreeField or ListField

I am working on an application that requires text larger than the viewable screen size in both a TreeField and a ListField. As you know, the TreeField and ListField callbacks support only graphics.drawText() methods, so I cannot add an instance of a Field per row. Does anyone have a method of Scrolling horizontally past the viewable t...

How to parse RSS Feed and display it as Links in Blackberry Application?

Hi Everybody I wanted to parse the xml feed and display as links in my Blackberry application. After googling it, i found out that i have to use SAX parser. I have not found any good example. For example if i want to parse the news rss feed from How to do it. How to extract images from rss feed. Please Help, Advise, and ...

Which mobile operating system should I code for?

I would like to rewrite two of our programs for mobile devices, but am a bit lost as to which platform to target. Complicating this decision: I would need to learn the relevant languages and IDEs - my coding to date has been almost all web based (PHP, JS, Actionscript, etc. Some ASPX). Most users seem to be religious about their mobil...

Serialization via J2ME or BlackBerry APIs.

Is it possible to serialize an object into a string or a byte array using either the J2ME or BlackBerry APIs? Thanks. ...

BlackBerry/J2ME - SAX parse collection of objects with attributes

I have a problem with using the SAX parser to parse a XML file. It is a complex XML file, it is like the following. <Objects> <Object no="1"> <field name="PID">ilives:87877</field> <field name="dc.coverage">Charlottetown</field> <field name="fgs.ownerId">fedoraAdmin</field> </Obj...

How to control manager class in Blackberry

Dear All, I have a problem when creating a UI on Blackberry. First, i try to create a ChatLayoutManager class extended from Manager class. My layout has three component: topfield, mainfield and bottom field. public class ChatLayoutManager extends Manager { private Field bottomField; private Field mainField; private Field...

How do I add bookmark to blackberry using script?

Hello, I am making a web page for blackberry. I am required to add a link or button in the page which when click add the page to the bookmark (or menu if possible). I am allowed to use javascript. Please suggest a solution. In simple words: The webaddress contains an ip address and its getting too long. Ppl will avoid typing a long li...

BrowserField or CustomControls? What is the best to use when submitting and fetching data from web?

Hi Everybody, I am unable to decide whether what to use for my blackberry application. I am developing an application for Blackberry Device. This application send and recieves data from website. Thats the only functionality. I wanted to know what the best approach to go with. Shall i use BrowserField and display html in the applica...

How do I use Microsoft Sync Framework to sync between SQL Server 2008 and a .NET Webservice?

Does anyone have an example of how to use MS Sync framework with .NET webservices? I have SQL Server 2008, which is exposing data to BlackBerry devices through webservices using regular web methods. Can I use the Sync Framework to expose data through Web Services and to save it back to the database? ...

Blackberry - Disable Save option in BasicEditField ??

I am using a basiceditfield to take input from the user to do some simple string search. But if i type a few letters and wish to go back without continuing the search, it automatically asks me whether to save the contents of the field. I don want this to happen. Can i in any way disable the "Changes made!-save-discard-cancel" option in b...

How do I ping a server in J2ME / BlackBerry?

How do I ping a server in J2ME / BlackBerry using java? This seems basic, but I can't find it in the javadocs. Thanks. ...

MIDlet + BlackBerry API = verification error?

Hi, Is there any way to write a MIDlet, but still use BlackBerry API classes and functions (including the APIs that require code signing)? In particular, I'm trying to use Kuix ( A pure MIDlet + Kuix (so without BlackBerry stuff) works perfectly after I converted the jar/jad to a cod file. As soon ...

How do encrypt a long or int using the Bouncy Castle crypto routines for BlackBerry?

How do encrypt/decrypt a long or int using the Bouncy Castle crypto routines for BlackBerry? I know how to encrypt/decrypt a String. I can encrypt a long but can't get a long to decrypt properly. Some of this is poorly done, but I'm just trying stuff out at the moment. I've included my entire crypto engine here: import org.bouncycas...

How to develop a remote access tool for BlackBerry

Hi I need to develop a remote access too so that our support staff can take control of users' devices and fix problems. I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks ...

how to display these text on blackberry and how to show the hyperlinks

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>A history of Canoe Cove /</title> </head> <body> <div class="tei"> <p> A History of </p> ...

Blackberry Emulator under Windows to test website

I am going to be developing a web version of a website in .NET and would like to test it out as it would appear on a Blackberry. Is there an emulator for Windows that I can use to do this? ...

Blackberry persistance: ObjectGroup createGroup vs. createGroupIgnoreTooBig

What is the difference between the createGroup and createGroupIgnoreTooBig? I understand that createGroup will throw the too big exception when the object exceeds 64k, and createGroupIgnoreTooBig will not. But does it mean that createGroupIgnoreTooBig allows me to create objects larger than 64k, or will it only partially group it? ...

BlackBerry - Perform some actions before email/sms is sent

I haven't been able to found this on Google, so I thought maybe somene here knew if this was possible and if so, how to implement it =) thanks in advance for any answers! What I am aiming for is overwriting this method so I can perform some actions before the sms/mail gets sent, then just allow it to perform its normal actions. ...

Adding vertical scrollbar to screen in blackberry application

hi I am new to blackberry development.. I am trying to add a vertical scroll bar on the screen, but not able to do that. because I do not know the way. VerticalScrollManger scroll = new VerticalScrollManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL); please give me the solution. thanks ...