How to get AppName() BlackBerry
Hi all! Please can anybody help me with my issue - is it possible to getApplicationName() in some way in Blackberry? Thunks in advance!!! ...
Hi all! Please can anybody help me with my issue - is it possible to getApplicationName() in some way in Blackberry? Thunks in advance!!! ...
Hi friends, Please help me how to give hyperlink for a label when click on label open browser and show the required website Thanking you ...
Hi i want to place the Buttons as displayed in the image: for this i am using the following code but it is not working for me can any one please help me out topbarManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(); topbarLeftManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(Field.FIELD_LEFT); topbarRightManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(Field...
I have a mainscreen which currently scrolls (and I have the arrows on the right) but the scrolling seems to be focused on the ButtonField objects that I have on the page. Is there any way to set the scrolling to be non-focused scrolling (moving a few pixels each time). Is there a way to set this? Other ideas I have had (which sound hack...
Hi all! Here is the cod: public class MyTextField extends MainScreen{ private RichTextField textField; private VerticalFieldManager manager; public MyTextField(); initUi(); } public void initUi(){ manager = new VerticalFieldManager(VerticalFieldManager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | ...
Hi Friends, Please help me how to change the selected background image dynamically please give me sample example... I Need to change My application background image when i select the particular image from drop-down list, If click on apply button that image will be display in the background. Thanking you ...
I'm running eclipse with the Blackberry Java Plug-in, working on a 1.4.5 Blackberry project. The project has been building and debugging in the emulator normally until I started getting: A prompt saying "[projectname].debug file is missing". A message in the Blackberry Packaging Console saying "I/O Error: Cannot find program "jar": Cr...
What development environments do most BB devs use out there? I haven't programmed much Java in 6-7 years and typically used NetBeans or JCreator for projects as I found Eclipse cumbersome. RIM has the plugin for Eclipse, but I've also read some posts where people are using whatever editor they want and then using ANT for builds and tes...
In Android I can create a file in res/values that contains data <string-array name="array1"> <item>data01,data02,data03,data04 </item> <item>data11,data12,data13,data14 </item> <item>data21,data22,data23,data24 </item> <item>data31,data32,data33,data34 </item> and then read it in java String[] items; items = getResources().getStrin...
How do I show the process bar in the middle of the Blackberry screen using Eclipse? ...
Is there a simple way to initiate push messages to RIM's "Blackberry Push Service" from .NET? The documentation only discusses using the Java SDK. I'm not familiar with how to interop with Java from .NET (and I can't find any documentation on the raw webservices), so if anyone has any guidance or experience to share it would help a lot. ...
Hello, I want to know that can i use the PersistentStorage Objects to create a database with large number of objects? Does it affect the speed of the Blackberry mobile? Or is their any other approach i can use for creating a database? I am using Blackberry Curve 8310( OS - Please reply. Thanks a lot. Best Regards, Richa...
How do I make an image suitable for adding to a Screen on a BlackBerry? ...
Hi Friends How i can store image in PersistentStore and how to retrieve from PersistentStore in blackberry eclipse, please give me sample example. Thanking you ...
Hi, I am trying to set background color of the label and when I override the paint menthod of the LabelField Class it sets the background color where text gets displayed it leaves the rest of the column. how can we change the background color of the lable where even text is not there. the text is coming from database and we have fixed...
I am doing a project on the blackberry. There are two XML databases, Full & Lite. In total there are 350 questions in Full and 20 questions in Lite. When a user takes the Full test, 50 questions are randomly asked from the full set of 350, chosen at random (for Lite it's 10 questions). As the user retakes the test, I want to ensure ever...
I am new to Blackberry devlopment and i have created 3 screens for the Blackberry application. Now my question is how to link these screens like if iam on 1st screen and if i click a button like submit it should go to the next screen like this it should go from 2nd screen to 3rd screens. thanks ...
Does JFreeChart work on Blackberry? (Just want to get a quick answer before I spend hours trying to give it a shot, would rather know now if it doesn't work) ...
i am developing an application that use some images. We require some text print on image but that is not a fixed mean when change the variable value automatically change the text. Simply we say that we print a variable on image? ...
here is my code. i get the data from web and store in bufval and print textoutputfield but we require a line break a specific position in the textoutput field if we use line break in php page where we get the data the output is show msg and attach this (). String strResult = new String(bufVal); synchroniz...