
Any good documentation for the cblas interface?

Can someone recommend a good reference or tutorial for the cblas interface? Nothing comes up on google, all of the man pages I've found are for the fortran blas interface, and the pdf that came with MKL literally took ten seconds to search and wasn't helpful. In particular, I'm curious why there is an extra parameter for row vs. column...

iOS 4 Accelerate Cblas with 4x4 matrices

Hello, I’ve been looking into the Accelerate framework that was made available in iOS 4. Specifically, I made some attempts to use the Cblas routines in my linear algebra library in C. Now I can’t get the use of these functions to give me any performance gain over very basic routines. Specifically, the case of 4x4 matrix multiplication....

How does one compute the sum of a 1D array with BLAS?

In BLAS level 1 there are *ASUM and *NRM2 that compute the L1 and L2 norms of vectors, but how does one compute the (signed) sum of a vector? There's got to be something better than filling another vector full of ones and doing a *DOT... ...