
Mouse enter mouse leave? Expression blend (silverlight)

Hi I'm a designer using Expression blend. Does anyone know how to use the events tab? I'm looking at a column of input fields, such as mouse enter etc. Not sure what to put in these any ideas? Thanks Judi ...

Expression blend behavior Mix 09 pack gallery

Hi Everyone :) I'm a designer so not to knowledgable at coding :( I'm trying to install a behavior from the gallery on Expression. I've tried this way but it doesn't seem to work. Basicly I downloaded

Component screen error in Expression blend?

Hi I have this error in Blend. I'm a designer so don't have a wide knowledge of the code. I've created a component screen in Blend. This is the code on the main page - I also get this Invalid attribute value with an everlasting line of numbers in the results panel. And the component screen on the main page states Cannot create an in...

Expression blend black line error? border?

Hi I'm Trying to figure out why I get a black line down the side of my image in Blend 3. I've imported it from an illustrator file and the image is in a mask layer. <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Canvas x:Name="home_page_1_LAYERS_rgb" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="1024" Height="773.999...

Intellisense while writing XAML

Using VS 2008, or Blend 3, is there any way I can get intellisense for the available properties when creating styles in XAML? I thought I heard there was a third-party freebie that did this. In the snippet below, I want intellisense for the properties like FontSize, Margin, Width, etc. <Style x:Key="MyTextBoxStyle" TargetType="TextBox"...

Context Menus and NavigateTo in Blend / SketchFlow

Hi All, Hoping this will be a simple one, in Sketchflow i'm trying to wire up a context menu to navigate to another page. I've created the context menu, added a menu item, right clicked the mneu item in the Objects and Timeline panel and selected navigateto. When i run it, the menu comes up but when i click on the menu item it doesn't ...

OpenGL with FBO RTT, blending when it shouldn't

This should be really simple, but it's consumed multi-hours of my time, and I have no clue what's going on. I'm rendering a flat-colored full-screen quad to a texture, then reading back the result with glGetTexImage. It's GPGPU related, so I want the alpha value to behave as if it's any of the other three. I'm using an FBO, texture form...

Designing with Blend but loading styles at runtime

I have a large WPF application and am trying to use Blend 3 to speed up my UI design on some portions of it. The problem I run into is that I have different skins that the user can use, so I load the ResourceDictionaries and Converters at runtime at the Application level. Because of this, when I open a .xaml file in Blend, it can't f...

Silverlight Encoder Templates, is it possible to change the background colour?

Hi, Is it possible to change the default background colour of black in Silverlight Encoder Templates? We have a website that requires a white background, instead of the default black bars for aspect ratio video. I'm using Expression Studio 3. Any help would be appreciated. Rich ...

composite colors : CALayer and blend mode on iPhone

I'm trying to use core image on the iphone. I'm able to composite my colors using quartz to draw an uiview, but i want to separate each component into CALayer (UIview consume more resources). So i have a white mask i want to use to filter a background bitmap, and i want to try diffrent blending mode. UNfortunately, the layers are only "...

Silverlight DataGrid Property error - "The member "AutoGenerateColumns" is not recognized or is not accessible"

I am trying to modify a Datagrid in Expression Blend 3 using Silverlight 3 tools. When I attepmt to open the file Blend shows the "Invalid XAML" error and in the XAML shows errors on certain properties within the DataGrids declaration. <my:DataGrid x:Name="dataGridLegals" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLinesV...

Blend mode on a transparent and semi transparent background.

In general, the "normal" blend mode equation looks like this: D = Sa * S + D * (1.0 - Sa) where D is destination color, Sa is source alpha and S is source color. Now, this works fine with fully opaque destination but I'd like to know how you would handle that with semi and fully transparent destination. When blending the source over...

How do i create a custom button in blend from Expression Blend?

I have created an image in Expression Design that I'm trying to import into Blend to create a button. I'm trying to make the button scale with it's container (most likely a grid) when i resize it in Blend. Unfortunately, the documentation for both products isn't very helpful. The xaml in design looks like the following: <Canvas xmlns="h...

PropertyValueEditor and DependencyObject in Blend 3 - Silverlight DesignTime support

I'm working on a set of controls that has a number of DependencyProperties. The properties are themselves DependencyObjects and created during the get method of the properties. During the Get method, they are also set back to the propertybag using the SetValue() method, so they are in fact valid in Xaml and their properties can be storyb...

Flash / Actionscript: How to make overlapping sprite invisible

See image at Hi there, I can't get my head around this one... I'm having two sprites, where the intersection of these sprites has an alpha of 0. I tried all the blendmodes and filters, but none of them seems appropriate. I've been puzzeling with extra layers on top of these thr...

Behaviour for binding - help needed

I have a requirement to create a behavior in blend 3.0 for binding. Following are the use cases User will drag and drop the binding behavior to any control. He will select the properties and data sources which they want to bind through property dialog of binding behavior. When the program executed the custom class created for bindin...

WPF Blend like UIs using DOCKY - some errors...

Hello. Im trying to use Marlon Grech's "Blend like UIs using DOCKY", located at and i get some erros like: Error 13 'XSoftArt.WPFengine.FrameworkElement' does not contain a definition for 'IsLoaded' and no extension method 'IsLoaded' accepting a first argum...

Why is this XAML invalid?

This XAML compiles and runs without any runtime errors: <Window xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:Cus...

Set "opacity" of a CGLayer before draw?

I have UIView subclass - actually a puzzle piece - with 2 different CGLayer initialized at initWithFrame. In drawRect I have to blend this two layer, and the uppermost should have variable alpha depending on game-logic. What is the best (most performance optimized) way to do this? Is there any CGLayer, or CGContext function that sets s...

Blend: Bind Image Source in Button template

I have a button template in Expression blend of which I have a image control. Is there a way to bind the source of the image to the button template so that when I click the button higher in the visual tree I can set the image without having to edit the template in Blend? I'm using Expression Blend 3. Thanks, Rob ...