
Do Blob properties on entities affect query performance?

Hello I'm trying to make my mind on whether to store a binary representation of an entity as its Blob property, or whether I better keep the blobs in some separate 'wrapping' class. Possible impact on memory heap and/or a query execution time are my concerns in the first case, complexity votes against the other one. I know Blobs are no...

read first 1kb of a blob from oracle

Hi, I wish to extract just the first 1024 bytes of a stored blob and not the whole file. The reason for this is I want to just extract the metadata from a file as quickly as possible without having to select the whole blob. I understand the following: select dbms_lob.substr(file_blob, 16,1) from file_upload where file_upload_id=504;...

Opening Blob Data stored in Sqlite as a File with Tcl/Tk

I am using the following tcl code to store a file from my deskstop into a Sqlite database as blob data ($fileText is a path to a text file): sqlite3 db Docs.db set fileID [open $fileText RDONLY] fconfigure $fileID -translation binary set content [read $fileID] close $fileID db eval {insert into Document (Doc) VALUES ($content)} db close...

c# write big files to blob sqlite

I have c# application which write files to sqlite database. It uses entity fraemwork for modeling data. Write file to blob (entity byte[] varible) with this line: row.file = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file_to_load.FileName); //row.file is type byte[] //row is entity class t...

How to config Remote BLOB Storage(RBS) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 ?

Hi We have working site for Dynamic crm 4.0 and in it we are storing image into the database. Now database is growing very fast and server is dying.. now I want to enable the Remote BLOB Storage with Dynamic CRM 4.0. for that I tried to install RBS for testing but everywhere is configure with Sharepoint 2010 not with Dynamic Crm. Does...

Blob byte array in XML to Image

Hi, I am getting a XML File to generate a preview, in a format like this: <PARAM> <LABEL>Preview 16x16</LABEL> <ID>{03F5C6D3-ABCD-4889-B3AA-C3524C62FA1C}</ID> <LAYER>-1</LAYER> <VALUE> <BLOB> /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAUDBAQEAwUEBAQFBQUGBwwIBwcHBw8LCwkMEQ8S ...

CrystalReports.NET - varbinary blob

Hi folks, what's the proper way to display an image (bitmap) stored in sqlserver 2008 database as an varbinary(max) datatype in CrystalReports for .NET? I have added a 'blobfieldobject' item in crystal reports & it is bound to a datatable with the column of type 'varbinary(max)' but the image won't show up instead a dark background is ...

Database design with blobs - keep in separate tables?

I have a situation where I need to store binary data in an Oracle database as blob columns. There are three different tables in my database wherein I need to store a blob data for each record. Not every record will necessarily have the blob data all the time. It is dependent on time and user. Table One will store *.doc files for almost...

using grails and google app engine to store image as blob and the view dynamically

I am trying to dynamically display an image that I am storing in the google datastore as a Blob. I am not getting any errors but I am getting a broken image on the page that I view. Any help would be awesome! I have the following code in my grails app domain class has the following @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGenerator...

Accessing Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007 BLOB fields from .Net

I need to be able to extract BLOBs from both Access 2003 and Access 2007. Access 2003 stores BLOBs as "OLE Objects", and Access 2007 gives you another option, "Attachment". The major difference is that multiple attachments can added to a single row, whereas there can be only one BLOB per "OLE Object" data type. I have to be able to do t...

I want to manually insert an ASCII stream into a column of type BLOB in oracle

Is there a command that will convert ASCII into blob? I have the following table: sample_table: ------------- id : NUMBER type : NUMBER version : NUMBER data : BLOB When doing the following command: insert into sample_table values (1, 0, 1, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"><Test><buffer><A></buffer></Test>' ); I'm g...

Export SQL Binary/BLOB Data?

Recently a software application we utilize upgraded from ASP to ASP.NET. In the process they abandoned the old web-based product and rewrote the entire UI, using new DB tables. The old DB tables still exist in the database and contain legacy files in binary or blob formats. I'm wondering if there is an easy way to export all these legacy...

oracle blob text search

Is it possible to search through blob text using sql statement? I can do select * from $table where f1 like '%foo%' if the f1 is varchar, how about f1 is a blob? Any counter part for this? ...

oracle - don't transfer blobs

Hello, I've noticed that in "SQL Developer" if you are selecting from a table that contains BLOBs, it uses the word "(BLOB)" instead of displaying / downloading the BLOB contents. Is this something that can be done at a session level? I have a .net program that does "select * from TABLE_WITH_BLOB" which returns the contents of the BLO...

How to store unlimited characters in Oracle 11g?

We have a table in Oracle 11g with a varchar2 column. We use a proprietary programming language where this column is defined as string. Maximum we can store 2000 characters (4000 bytes) in this column. Now the requirement is such that the column needs to store more than 2000 characters (in fact unlimited characters). The DBAs don't like ...

How to specify blob type in MS Access?

How to specify blob type in MS Access? I have office 2007 installed. I am using jdbc, but this should not matter for the SQL query I am passing. Tried to pass a length to it, or FILE type, did not help. CREATE TABLE mytable ( [integer] INTEGER not null, [string] VARCHAR (255), [datetime] DATETIME, [boolean] BIT, [char] CHA...

Difficulty setting ArrayList to java.sql.Blob to save in DB using hibernate

I'm trying to save a java ArrayList in a database (H2) by setting it as a blob, for retrieval later. If this is a bad approach, please say - I haven't been able to find much information on this area. I have a column of type Blob in the database, and Hibernate maps to this with java.sql.Blob. The code I'm struggling with is: Drawings dr...

how to specify null value in MS Access

I am not able to call setNull on PreparedStatement using MS Access (sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver) preparedStatement.setNull(index, sqltype). Is there a workaround for this. For LONGBINARY data type, I tried the following calls, neither worked. setNull(index, java.sql.Types.VARBINARY) setNull(index, java.sql.Types.BINARY) java.sq...

Zip multiple database PDF blob files

I have a database table that contains numerous PDF blob files. I am attempting to combine all of the files into a single ZIP file that I can download and then print. Please help! <?php include '../config.php'; include '../connect.php'; $session = $_GET['session']; $query = "SELECT $tbl_uploads.username, $tbl_uploads...

Combine PDF Blob Files from MySQL Database

How do I combine numerous PDF blob files into a single PDF so that can then be printed? <?php include 'config.php'; include 'connect.php'; $session= $_GET[session]; $query = " SELECT $tbl_uploads.username, $tbl_uploads.description, $tbl_uploads.type, $tbl_uploads.size, $tbl_uploads.content, $