
Clojure read Blob from database

I need to read bytes from this Blob. I'm trying the following but I'm getting this exception: oracle.sql.BLOB cannot be cast to [B (defn select-test2[] (clojure.contrib.sql/with-connection db (with-query-results res ["SELECT my_blob from some_table"] (doall res)))) (defn obj [byte-buffer] (if-not (nil? byte-buffer) (with-o...

How to create an ASN.1 DER-encoded blob simply.

Greetings, How can I simply encode some binary data into an ASN.1 DER-encoded blob? I'm using C/C++, and I figure it should be possible to simply prefix the binary blob with some appropriate bytes that signify that the data is of type octet string and is of a given length (and in a sequence of length 1 I guess). Background if you're i...

Store BLOB in Android's SQLite using SQLOpenHelper

Is there a way to store a BLOB into Android's SQLite using SQLOpenHelper? My BLOB of type InputStream. ...

Why does JSTL return false positives in null-check of image blob data?

Both of the following JSTL checks return positive - resulting in the inner message being displayed ("image not null"/"image not empty") - even when the current record does not have an image associated with it. <c:if test="${rec.imgdata != null}">image not null</c:if> <c:if test="${not empty rec.imgdata}">image not empty</c:if> The im...

proper hibernate annotation for byte[]

I have an application using hibernate 3.1 and JPA annotations. It has a few objects with byte[] attributes (1k - 200k in size). It uses the JPA @Lob annotation, and hibernate 3.1 can read these just fine on all major databases -- it seems to hide the JDBC Blob vendor peculiarities (as it should do). @Entity public class ConfigAttribut...

upload BLOB file into MYSQL server: netbeans JAVAFX

im noob trying to store an avatar together with some details about a "user" into a mysql database then display them using netbeans JavaFX. i am able to display user details one at at time but i am unable to store and display an avatar together with the details. thanks in advance. ...

iPhone, OpenCV and CvBlobDetector

I found Yoshimasa Niwa's article about blob detection here: And something on realtime face detection here: But what I really want to do is realtime blob detection (...

export & import blob between sqlite3, xml and iPhone

I have problems with download and upload blob data in my iPhone app using Sqlite. Everything seems to be ok if I insert the photos in the blob field with SQLite manager: I can read the image and manage it with my app. When I export the table to xml with the SQLite manager's feature, it creates a file that contains in the photo field a v...

Db4o, Java: Storing images using blobs

I want to store images in Db4o using Blobs. How can I store them and how do I get them out again? ...

Android widget vanishes from emulator on remoteviews update

My MySQL DB table holds a BLOB image with image_id as key. I am trying to do the following. 1.HttpPost("") from Android App with the image_id in name value pairs. The PHP Script is as follows: <?php mysql_connect("host","userid","password"); mysql_select_db("database"); $q=mysql_query("SELECT image ...

Getting Db4o blobs out of the Database without storing them to disk

Is there a way to get a Db4o Blob out of the Database without storing it to disk? I only found the method void com.db4o.types.Blob.writeTo(File arg0) ...

Oracle blob - inserting long (over 4000 hex-digits) data in sql command

How can I, in Oracle 11, insert large data (~100000 hex-digits) into Blob field, using sql command only (without any external data with load cluase or such). update tablename set fieldname='AA'; Works - 1 byte; update tablename set fieldname='AA...(4000 hex-digits)...AA'; Doesn't. Niether Concat helps; strings can't be larger than ...

Displaying BLOB files in PHP script

This is my PHP script which displays a radio station's schedule: <div class="divider"></div> <div class="main" style="width:552px;"> <img src="$image" width=115 height=60> <div class="time">$airtime</div> <div class="show"><h3><a href="$link><b>$presenter</b></a></h3> <p>$showdesc</p></div> ...

Data Warehousing arbitrary fields

In our application, we support user-written plugins. Those plugins generate data of various types (int, float, str, or datetime), and those data are labeled with bunches of meta-data (user, current directory, etc.) as well as three free-text fields (MetricName, Var1, Var2) . Now we have several years of this data, and I'm trying to des...

Need to display image from mysql database to fpdf

A have image save in mysql database as bolb and I wish to display it out in fpdf using php. I'm having problem doing this as I am very new to fpdf. I really need help. Thank you. ...

Search for value within BLOB column in MySQL

How can I search inside Blob column in MySQL for some values ? and Is that possible ? ...

Failed to read blob data from sqlite

i store blob data with php like this $this->_db->exec"CREATE TABLE media (url TEXT, content BLOB)"); $fp = fopen($encoded['path'], 'rb'); $sql = "INSERT INTO media (url, content) VALUES (?, ?)"; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(1, $encoded['url'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(2, $fp, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $stmt->exec...

Is there any way to insert a large value in a mysql DB without changing max_allowed_packet ?

Hello, I know that in order to insert values larger than max_allowed_packet bytes into a MySQL database, the default solution would be to assure that both client and server side max_allowed_packet variables are bigger than the chunk of data that a query inserts into the DB. However, is there any way to do so without changing the server...

How to dispaly image from MySQL table to PHP page in table format ?

I am working on image uploader in which the user uploads the image to the mysql database via a simple HTML/PHP form. It works, and now I want to retrieve the saved images from MySQL in a HTML table format. But I am not successful. I am very much a novice in PHP. I have attached the currently used code... can someone please help me creat...

Storing Data as XML BLOB

Hi, At the moment the team i am working with is looking into the possibility of storing data which is entered by users from a series of input wizard screens as an XML blob in the database. the main reason for this being that i would like to write the input wizard as a component which can be brought into a number of systems without havin...