
How-to use GAE Blobstore Java API with GWT?

I have GAE application and I'd like to download CSV file from Blobstore and display it in a table using GWT. Is there any example showing how to do this? ...

Serve and upload blobs using the same URL

I am using the python version of Google AppEngine. I want to be able to be able to serve and upload blobs from/into the blobstore using the same URL. As an example, lets say a user can upload a display picture for himself. A GET request to /user/USERNAME/avatar will return the image, whilst a POST request to the same URL will set it. AF...

Use BlobstoreService and ImageService to upload/serve images drawn from an HTML5 canvas

I'm working on an Appengine application in Java that allows users to upload images drawn through an HTML5 canvas library called PaintWeb ( Currently I have a servlet that receives the XMLHttpRequest POST from the paintweb javascript library as a formencoded image. Paintweb.js library sends XMLH...

google app engine blob store creation.

In order to save precious bandwidth, the image serving app (a minor, but important part of the total app) tries to serve only thumbnails or reduced size previews of possibly large photos or illustrations. Storing the original image in the BlobStore is simple enough, and generating the thumbnails is also simple using the the Image servic...

Does blobstore URL expire? Getting 500 error

I've got a fairly new site where I upload images using the blobstore and storing the url in my datastore model as an db.StringProperty(). When the file is uploaded I get the serving url with: image.imageUrl = images.get_serving_url(str(upload_files[0].key())) where image is my datastore model. I haven't modified the code for about 2 wee...

Google appengine blobstore debugging

I'm having an issue with blobstore uploads, but because of the way gae handles all of that, actually figuring out what the error was is giving me some trouble. I'm using django, which unfortunately tries very hard to prevent exceptions from reaching the user without formatting. It looks like the uploads are successful, there are __Blob...

Need help processing upload form with Google App Engine Blobstore

I'm trying to learn the blobstore API... and I'm able to successfully upload files and get them back, but I'm not having any luck trying to combine an upload form with a regular webform to be able to associated extra info with the file, such as a nickname for the file. Below is the code for a simple app I've been playing with. It's base...

Help to Upload zip file containing CSV file in GAE

I am a student who needs help in uploading a zip file that contains CSV file into the GAE Server using java. I am currently using uploadBean to upload my zip file in my server (Tomcat,localhost). Here is the code: UploadBean upBean = new UploadBean(); upBean.setWhitelist("*.zip"); upBean.setOverwrite(true); String path = getServletCon...

Reading zip files stored in GAE Blobstore

I have followed the sample code below to upload a zip file in the blobstore. I am able to upload the zip file in but i have some concerns reading the file. Sample Code My zip file has 6 CSV files where my system will read the files and import the ...

AppEngine -> "AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'has_key'" when using blobstore

There have been a number of other questions on AttributeErrors here, but I've read through them and am still not sure what's causing the type mismatch in my specific case. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this. My model: class Object(db.Model): notes = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) other_item = db.ReferenceProperty(Other...