
DataAnnotations or Application Validation block

Whats the difference between DataAnnotations and Application Validation Block? ...

Why can't I put block elements inside block elements using CKEditor?

Why can't I put block elements inside block elements using CKEditor? Unless I use the code view and do it manually I can't seem to do it. Reading on a forum I read the quote "Block level elements inside block level elements is against the W3C spec" is this true? ...

Getting 2d array maximum in a more Rubyish way?

Background: In Ruby I have a 2d array like the following: count[[english_word, french_word]] = ... pp count {["my", "une"]=>0.0, ["my", "voiture"]=>0.2, ["red", "maison"]=>0.9, ... } (The reason I did this rather than count[english_word][french_word] was I wasn't sure how to get around the Undef errors, and I saw this syntax suggest...

Block entire swing ui except for one component - "dialog style"

[This question is in relation to this question] Setting: I have this home-crafted "editable label" component which looks like a label, but when you click it, it turns into an editable field, allowing you to edit it. You can hit Esc to cancel, or Shift-Enter to OK your edits - or click the respective buttons beneath the editable field. ...

Choosing colors for block diagram's for monochrome printing (grey scale)

At work we use block diagrams, we have to chose colors (4-8 i guess) that would go well with diagram it self and also be nice when printed with monochrome printer. Any ideas? Probably even list of colors that are printed with monochrome printer would be enough and i would just pick a combo myself. Thanks! ...

CSS help please, 2 objects refuse to remain on same line.

Hi, I'm sorry for being a css noob and would appreciate someone to guide me in the right direction. Webpage i need help with can be found at When you hit the page, you will notice that the "Select Files" icon and "Upload Files" icon are not on the same line. The "Select Files" icon is actually an psuedo upload icon ...

Clang preprocessor flag for Objective-C block support?

What's the Clang preprocessor flag for Objective-C block support? ...

Screen scrape a website that blocks ips

Hello I want to screen scrape a site like yelp to get phone numbers of italian restaurants.. I created a simple program to do just what I wanted but they blocked my servers ip I am using php to do it. How can I get past the ip block? I've heard about programs like screen-scraper, but I still haven't used it yet What is the best way to...

HAML block returning `0` on yield?

I just upgraded to Rails3, Ruby 1.9.2 and the latest HAML gem. This code used to work: = allowed? do = link_to('New', new_video_path) Now allowed? yields 0. It works if I do: = allowed?{ link_to('New', new_video_path) } What gives? ...

Create hash using block (Ruby)

Can I create a Ruby Hash from a block? Something like this (although this specifically isn't working): foo = do |f| f[:apple] = "red" f[:orange] = "orange" f[:grape] = "purple" end ...

How can I create my own methods which take a block as an argument and which I can call later?

How can I create my own methods which take a block as an argument and which I can call later? I have tried following things. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> typedef void (^viewCreator)(void); @interface blocks2ViewController : UIViewController { } -(void)createButtonUsingBlocks:(viewCreator *)block; @end - (void)viewDidLoad { [super view...

Non-PHP Proxy Possible? Or script hidable?

The place i am trying to bypass blocks all php proxy scripts automatically. I need a proxy that doesn't use php, if that is possible? Or at least a way to disguise the script? ...

Asterisk in Block Parameters List

In Ruby, I have code similar to the following foo { |x, y| puts y } Because the compiler/interpreter keeps warning me about the unused var X, I replaced x with a '*' and the compiler stopped complaining. (I don't know why I decided * was the best choice... It just happened...) foo { |*, y| puts y } What does this do exactly? And a...

How to block an IP with Seam and JBoss AS?

Hi, for security reasons, we want to block users by IP adress in our application, if they are trying to login as admin and they type in the a wrong password 3 times. It is very easy to get the IP Adress of the user trying to login. I use this code snippet to get the IP: ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getEx...

Reading blocks from devices

Hi. I trying to write a fs in kernel mode, and i can not use buffers/ cache (such as in sb_bread(..)). who do I read and write blocks directly from/to my block device. Im writing a distributed fs (over netwrok) since not all blocks are from same device/machine. buffers are little problematic. thanks, Dan ...

How much sense does this block make, in Objective-C?

From the docs: int (^Multiply)(int, int) = ^(int num1, int num2) { return num1 * num2; }; int result = Multiply(7, 4); // result is 28 It only looks complicated - the same thing could be done with an function, or not? What's the real point here in this example? ...

Determine what is blocking UI thread

Hi All I am working on a rather large .NET WPF real-time application. The application is working great and as expected, except for one BIG issue - UI Update is slow. This application is highly event driven, there are events raised all over for all sorts of things - through these events the UI is updated. One or many of these events is...

How to change Drupal input filter behaviour based on output location

I have a Drupal filter module whose output I would like to alter, depending on where the output is going to be displayed. Specifically, I want to the filter to give the full output for nodes, but trim the content down for blocks. ...

Django - Block tags in included templates get overridden by calling template

I have a template that includes another template. This included template has block tags in it. Example: base.html BASE {% block title %}Base Title{% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} template1.html {% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}Extended Title{% endblock %} {% block content %} Extended content {% incl...

Nested animation block caused "Segmentation fault"

I try to show three images, one after one, with the following code: image_1.alpha = 0.0; image_2.alpha = 0.0; image_3.alpha = 0.0; [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{ image_1.alpha = 1.0; } completion:^(BOOL finished) { [UIView animateWithDuration:0....