
Bone Tool plug-in for painless pure Actionscript animation

Some issues with the Flash Bone Tool are described very well in this YouTube tutorial video (as well as his claim that there is an Actionscript solution). If you don't want to watch the entire 10 minute video, then at least watch the important part from 1:39 to 3:05. In essence, one of the main issues with the current Flash Bone Tool i...

Inverse kinematics in Flash 9 using only CS3

I was reading about the "bones" tool in Flash CS4, and the IK library that comes with it, but I don't have access to I'm wondering if there is a smilar tool and library for CS3 users, who may want to create these effects with Actionscript. ...

I need a 2D bone engine for JavaScript

Hello. I'm looking for a way to define a Bone animation system, I need a basic one, since my objective is to apply it for inverse kinematics, much like Flash supports. The desirable feature is that: I can set bones (as position in 2D, defined by 2 dots) each having an ID. So I can make an animation based on frames, ie: ['l_leg', [10...