
What books or other resources do you suggest for bootstrapping a small software company?

I'm looking for books or other resources that would help me bootstrap a small software company. If you have any recommendations, please post it. If someone else has posted it already, please upvote your favorites. ...

Paver 0.8.1 compatibility with python 2.6

Hi, Does anyone manage to bootstrap its development area using paver with python 2.6 ? I have install python 2.6, install paver with easy_install-2.6, everything looks fine. But when I try to launch the bootstrap method it raises an urllib2.HTTPError (: HTTP Error 404: Not Found) while trying to download

.net 3.5 SP1 Bootstrapper not found for Setup

I am getting a warning when trying to include the .net 3.5 sp1 prerequisite for my setup project. The warning states Prerequisite could not found for bootstrapping. Any suggestions? Thanks ...

.NET Bootstrap without setup

I have a .NET WinForms application which needs to be run from CD. What I need to figure out is if user has required .NET version installed or install if necessary than run the application after installation. Any info I've found about bootstrapping involves setup and installation of the application. How can I do this if I don't install an...

What is Erlang written in?

What is Ericsson's implementation of Erlang and Erlang/OTP written and compiled in? Is is assembly, C or Erlang itself? Update 1: Thanks to DrJokepu. If I understand correctly, Erlang source-to-VM compiler is written in Erlang itself. But the VM is written in C. Update 2: Hynek-Pichi-Vychodil pointed out a lot of details. VM and HW i...

How to perform low-level IO with a USB flash drive under the BIOS (compared to a floppy)?

I have recently been studying some bootstrap code which was intended for use with a floppy drive. My goal is to modify the program so that it uses my USB flash drive. Now I see how the INT 13H function has been used with the floppy device, but I guess my question is, how will communicating with the USB drive differ? For example, here is...

Grails: Accessing spring beans in the destory closure of Bootstrap code?

Hello, I'm looking to access a bean in my destroy closure in the Bootstrap.groovy of my grails project. Any ideas on how to achieve this? I seem to have no access to servletContext...? ...

What's the difference between CLASSPATH "bootstrap entries" and "user entries" in Eclipse?

Eclipse has a Run Configurations screen with a Classpath tab. I had some jars listed in the "user entries" section of this tab but my project did not run until I duplicated those jar files into the "bootstrap entries" section. After the jars were listed in both sections, the project ran successfully. Why? What's the difference betwe...

How to load kernel into memory from CD-ROM using Assembly (NASM)

Hello Everyone, I'm writing a bootstrap and kernel for myself and both bootstrap and kernel will be burn on a CD-R and will function as a CD-live. It is not a linux CD-Live or something else,is totally my own bootloader and kernel. I do not want to use other booloaders (i.e. GRUB) so please don't suggest me to use them. Here is my ques...

Zend framework common code for all the controllers

I have a login button in the header of the website. This header's html is programmed into Zend framework views/layouts/home.phtml. I have a hidden form in this layout that is triggered by jQuery thickbox inline content display integration. Reason, I dont want to make a ajax call to just fetch a small login form. I create the form us...

Zend Framework Layout

Hi everyone, I'm beginning with Zend Framework and I would like to understand Bootstrap file. I've learned all _init methods are executed by default but it seems confusing to me. Anyway that is not what I would like to ask. A came around the $this->bootstrap('layout'); action and I'm not sure if I understand this. Is this the resource....

Grails behavior difference between run-app and run-war

I'm relatively new to Groovy and Grails and am trying them out in my spare time. I've got a small test Grails application that I'm able to run fine using grails run-app, but grails run-war results in an error. In the grails-app/conf/BootStrip.init method, I'm adding some property getters onto the DefaultGrailsControllerClass and Defaul...

Using groovy metaClass to mock out Shiro SecurityUtils in bootstrap

For further background, see I'm trying to mock out the Shiro SecurityUtils.getSubject() method in my BootStrap.groovy. I decided on this approach because the Subject builder in the latest Shiro version isn't available in the current version of the Nimble plugin (which I'm using). I d...

Recipe for compiling binutils & gcc together?

Greetings, According the the gcc build instructions you can build binutils concurrently with building gcc (as well as gmp,mpc,etc). Here's what that page says : If you also intend to build binutils (either to upgrade an existing installation or for use in place of the corresponding tools of your OS), unpack the binutils di...

In Bootstrap Protocol, how dose a client know if a hardware broadcast is intended for another BOOTP client on the same physical net?

When a bootp client receives a reply via hardware broadcast, how does it know whether the reply is intended for another BOOTP client on the same physical net? ...

Cant put Apps on IPhone any more

Couldn't register com.mycompany.clack with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program received signal: “SIGABRT”. This is the error I get, any ideas on that? Restarting and so on does not help, it doesn't seem to be a...

Bootstrap Hard disk access

I'm trying to write a bootstrap loader for the fun of it, i've been using guides such as: I'm able to successfully copy over sectors from a floppy disk but wh...

Is there any way to specify a bootstrap target in an ANT build file?

In my Ant build file, I'm using an encrypted property which I'm reading off a text file. I need to decrypt this in sort of a bootstrap target during my build process. How do I do this? As an example, here are the contents of the files. myFile.txt: ENCRYPTED=encryptedtext build.xml: <project name="myProject" default="all"> <property...

How does Module bootstrap work for default module?

I've setup my application with two modules, one for Admin and other for the rest of application called default. Then I've created a Bootstrap file for Admin module, and when I've tried to set the bootstrap for default module I've got an inifite loop and my apache crashes. I'm not sure if I completely understand the bootstrap dynamics. O...

Annoying problem with routes in Kohana 3

When I access my site on MAMP like so, it works great localhost/site/about-us/ When I upload it to my remote server, and access it like this all requests go back to the 'default' set up in bootstrap.php. Here is my route setting. Route::set('default', '(<page>)') ->defaults(array( ...