
Is it something bad to use <BR />?

Hi, Is it something bad to use <BR/> tags? Why I ask this is, in our development team it was one of the first advices to me not use <BR/> but to use styles. But why? Are there some negative outcomes to use <BR/> tags? Thanks. ...

Replace newlines with br but ignore newlines after h1 in PHP

Is it possible to replace newlines with the br tag but to ignore newlines that follow a </h1> tag? So for example I want to change this block: <h1>Test</h1> \n some test here \n and here To this: <h1>Test</h1> some test here <br /> and here Thanks. ...

using xslt stylesheet to convert xhtml blank lines to an XSL-FO blank line

Hello, I'm using an XSLT stylesheet (by Antennahouse) to convert XHTML to an XSL-FO file. I defined a blank line in my XHTML file as 2 consecutive HTML BR tags. Now there is no native support for a blank line in the XSL-FO format. I want to work around this limitation by adding a height to the fo:block that the stylesheet inserts for a ...

prevent conversion of <br/>

Hello, I fear this is a dumb question, but I can't seem to find the answer. Pretty sure what that makes me...... I have C# generated HTML (HtmlGenerator), to which I sometimes want to insert a line break at a certain part of a cell's innertext. Here is how that comes out: <TD >There are lots of extra &lt; br /&gt; words here </TD> ...

PHP: How to get <br/> working in a simplexml_load_file() var.

Hi everybody! I am loading an xml in php via simplexml_load_file(). I load the file with that: $xml = simplexml_load_file('flash/datas/datas.xml'); And the access my content like that: $descText = $xml->aboutModule->chocolaterie->desc The text from desc is well registred in my $descText, but all the <br/> of the text disappear....

Internet Explorer generates extra br

I have an issue where Internet Explorer is generating an additional br element that is not in my source. The additional br effects the page's layout and is visible when using the developer tool. I've tried removing all hard returns between the surrounding elements but the additional br persists. Firefox and Chrome do not have this issue....

Silverlight javascript problem - resizing a Silverlight application - cross browser issue

Hi, I'm currently writing a SilverLight application that primarily uses a DataGrid. The user can add or remove rows from the grid. The grid can get quite large so I need to resize the application dynamically every time a row is added/removed. Currenty I'm doing the following to resize the app dyamically. In the codebehind I'm using t...

Is the use of a <br/> tag between a <label> and its <input> good practice?

The fields in my form have a label, some help text, some example text, and some contextual text. <!--With Help and Example--> <li> <label for="ingredients">Ingredients</label> <br/><!--Is this good practice?--> <span class="help">Enter one ingredient per line.</span> <br/> <textarea id="ingredients" name="ingredients...

Add <br> when echo

Variable $name (string) gives something like (5 possible values): "Elton John" "Barak Obama" "George Bush" "Julia" "Marry III Great" Want to add <br /> after the first whitespace (" " between words). So, it should give when echo: "Elton<br/>John" "Barak<br/>Obama" "George<br/>Bush" "Julia" "Marry<br/>III Great" 1) <br /> should be...