
How to Recursively Delete wildcard files in TFS Build?

I want to recursively delete files that match a certain pattern as part of my post-build cleanup routines in TFS Build. I've tried this... <Delete Files="T:\DeploymentDir\**\A*" /> No errors in the build, but it doesn't work. ...

Excluding Multiple Files in TFS Build

I'm trying to exclude a series of files from a custom deployment step in my TFS 2008 build definition. I want to include all files except those starting with either P0 or P1. Here are some of my attempts... <ItemGroup> <FilesToCopy Include="$(BinariesRoot)\Debug\*.*" Exclude="$(BinariesRoot)\Debug\P0*.*;$(BinariesRoot)\Debug\P1*.*" />...

Is it possible to programmatically edit a build definition in TFS Team Build 2010?

I am working on an automation project using team build 2010. I am wanting to update my build definition while the build is running with information that is supplied from one of my custom activities. So for example, I am going to have an argument in the team build definition that contains version information for the project. When the...

WriteBuildMessage not displayed

Consider this simple msbuild script (xaml): <Activity xmlns=[....]> <Sequence> <mtbwa:WriteBuildMessage Message="Test message"/> <mtbwa:WriteBuildWarning Message="Test warning"/> </Sequence> </Activity> I have a tfs build definition based on this script. When I queue a new build in tfs, the warning is displayed under "view...

TFS2010 Build Definition to Deploy to multiple servers?

I've been looking into TFS2010 new build and deployment features with MSDeploy. So far everything is going well (although its been hard to find information about specific scenarios). Can I modify my Build Definition to specify 2 or more servers to deploy to? What I need to do is deploy to multiple servers (as I have two in my testing en...