



I've been looking into TFS2010 new build and deployment features with MSDeploy. So far everything is going well (although its been hard to find information about specific scenarios).

Can I modify my Build Definition to specify 2 or more servers to deploy to? What I need to do is deploy to multiple servers (as I have two in my testing environment which uses a NLB).

What I have now is a Build definition which Builds, runs my tests, and then Deploys to ONE of my testing servers (which has the MsDeployAgentService running on it). It works fine, and each web project is deployed as configured in its project file. The MSBuild Arguments I use are:

* /p:DeployOnBuild=True
* /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish
* /p:MSDeployServiceURL=
* /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True
* /p:MsDeployPublishMethod=RemoteAgent
* /p:AllowUntrustedCertificated=True
* /p:UserName=myusername
* /p:Password=mypassword 

NB: I dont use /p:DeployIISAppPath="xyz" as it doesnt deploy all my projects and overrides my project config.

Can I add another build argument to get it to call more than one MSDeployServiceURL? Like something like a second /p:MSDeployServiceURL argument that specifies another server?

Or do I have to look for another solution, such as editing the WF?

I saw an almost exact same question here posted 2 months ago: , so it doesn't look like I'm the only one trying to solve this.

I also posted on the IIS.NET forums where MSDeploy is discussed: . It's had quite a lot of views, but again, no answers.


I am the author of the other similar post. I have yet to find a solution. I believe it is going to be modifying the workflow to add a postprocessing MSBUILD -sync task. That seems to be the most elegant, but was still hoping to find something a bit less intrusive.

Aaron Corcoran
I was going to go down that path. There's a blog entry here: which covers how to do that. But in the end I added a second call to MSBUILD and reused the Arguments idea they provide for us (as detailed in my answer).

I couldn't find the solution I was looking for, but here's what I came up with in the end.

I wanted to keep the solution simple and configurable within the TFS arguments while at the same time staying in line with the already provided MSBuildArguments method which has been promoted a lot. So I created a new Build Template, and added a new TFS WorkFlow Argument called MSBuildArguments2 in the Arguments tab of the WorkFlow.

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I searched through the BuildTemplate WorkFlow for all occurances of the MSBuildArguments (there were two occurances).

The two tasks that use MSBuildArguments are called Run MSBuild for Project. Directly below this task, I added a new "If" block with the condition:

Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(MSBuildArguments2)

I then copied the "Run MSBuild for Project" task and pasted it into the new If's "Then" block, updating its title accordingly. You'll also need to update the new Task's ConmmandLineArguments property to use your new Argument.

CommandLineArguments = String.Format("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true {0}", MSBuildArguments2)

After these modifications, the WorkFlow looks like this:

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Save and Check In the new WorkFlow. Update your Build Definition to use this new WorkFlow, then in the build definition's Process tab you will find a new section called Misc with the new argument ready to be used. Because I'm simply using this new argument for deployment, I copied the exact same arguments I used for MSBuild Arguments and updated the MSDeployServiceURL to my second deployment server.

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And that's that. I suppose a more elegant method would be to convert MSBuildArguments into an array of strings and then loop through them during the WorkFlow process. But this suits our 2 server requirements.

Hope this helps!



i have had the exact same problem and have not come up with a solution as yet either. a reply would be much appreciated for me also. building twice is not an acceptable solution for me
