build build tool which can build a web app into multiple dlls?

I have a large solution which has multiple apps which all share some common site elements (masterpages, navigation, etc). Currently, all of these get built into a single DLL If my structure looks like: WebRoot - Common/ - Shared/ - Images/ - App1/ - App2/ - etc Is there a build tool which will allow me to build WebRoot.dll, Ap...

Maven : Parent project not resolved, transitive dependencies not used for compiling

Hello. After searching and trying a lot of things I need a Maven maven :) So, my problem is that on my development box (which is Windows 2003) I can build my maven project, but on the Bamboo server (x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) it fails because one of the modules doesn't have a library and the compiling doesn't find a class. The clas...

team build 2008 to build vs2010

I have refer msbuild path in tfsbuild.config.exe to msbuild4.0 and also change tools version in tfsbuild.config to 4 but when i build, i found out that it build solution with tools version 2.0.. Does anyone face this problem before ?? my vs2010 solution consists of vs2010 and vs2008 project. ...

How to run Coded UI Tests without Visual Studio 2010 Premium

Hi, I want to ask you if it is possible to build and run coded ui tests without Visual Studio 2010 Premium installed? Or can I just install Visual Studio 2010 Premium and use it command line without licensing? I know it works, but is the license ok with that? ...

Building Qt 4.7 Windows Mobile 6 ARM

I'm trying to build QT for CE6 using the VS2008 compiler with the Mobile 6 SDK ARM tools. I'm following the instructions on the Qt site in regards to include locations and my directories seem to match exactly with the exception that I'm on Windows 7, so the program files directory has(x86) inside of it. Include dirs are C:\Program File...

How can I build Qt Application in Qt creator with static links on Windows with VS2008 runtime?

I have downloaded qt-win-opensource-4.7.0-vs2008.exe from nokia site and use it when I build my application. My application realy use VS2008 runtime not MinGW, but it has the dynamic linkage with QtCore4.dll and others Qt libs. How can I create application with static linkage with qt libs? ...

Visual Studio 2010 not autolinking static libraries from projects that are dependencies as it should be supposed to

Create a new solution with a C++ console command-line project Create a new project, a C++ static library Make the command-line project depend on the library Make sure "Link Library Dependencies" is turned on in Configuration => Linker => General (it is by default) Visual Studio will still not link the library. How can I fix this? It w...

Terminal Command or Apple Script to run XCode?

Is is possible to make XCode run by executing an AppleScript or some sort of terminal command? Can you pass XCode startup arguments, like a project to open, or to build a project on startup? Edit: Please excuse my laziness, but Apple Script samples are appreciated. ...

How to ZIP files with a prefix folder in SBT

To generate a distribution ZIP with Simple Build Tool one can simply do def distPath = ( ((outputPath ##) / defaultJarName) +++ mainDependencies.scalaJars ) lazy val dist = zipTask(distPath, "dist", "") dependsOn (`package`) describedAs("Zips up the project.") This adds the JAR files into the root of the ZIP. How d...

how to have an excludes list in ant build script?

I'm trying to add an excludes list to my ant build script. I have a property (lets call it build.excludes) which looks something like this: build.excludes=MyApp,AnotherApp in my build script I have an if statement similar to the following: <for list="${appsList}" delimiter="" trim="true" param="currentApp" keepgoing="yes"> <seque...

The jar doesn't work properly... debugging post-build?

I'm in the dark as to how to even attack this particular problem and I have very little information to work with. Please bear with me. My current project (a trading application) runs fine from Netbeans 6.9, and the build actually runs fine.. at first.. with `java -jar "my project.jar". It is a Swing application and everything comes up...

Where to find EMF artifact in Maven repository

Hello all, We are developing with EMF outside Eclipse therefore using Maven for build. My question is where can I find EMF artifacts, and if yes which version. BTW Is there any tool to automatically cross-publish Eclipse artifacts with sources to Maven repository? Renat ...

How do I get make to figure out the correct dependencies to link in the correct downstream object files?

I'm going to use a small example for reference. Consider a project with: inner_definitions.o : inner_definitions.cpp inner_definitions.h gcc $^ -o $@ inner_class_1.o : inner_class_1.cpp inner_class_1.h inner_definitions.h gcc $^ -o $@ inner_class_2.o : inner_class_2.cpp inner_class_2.h inner_definitions.h gcc $^ -o $@ ...

X-Code Build Issue

I've been having some trouble with X-Code. Every time I launch my application, it opens in the simulator and then immediately closes. X-Code says it build successfully and there are no errors. This happened when I added a timer to my application, however I have now reverted to the previous save where there is no mention of this timer an...

building apache from source on debian

I'm trying to build apache from source on debian. The only reason I'm not using spt-get install is because in the apache cookbook, they recommend installing from source.I get the following error when I ./configure: configure: error: invalid variable name: ' --with-mpm' I also saw some warnings when I ./buildconf Is this something I sh...

ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: Target Directory not empty

I have a web application that needs to be built using a nant script. All the projects in the solution build fine but for this error that crops up each time at the end of the build. I couldn't find much useful information on resolving this error. Has anyone encountered and fixed this kind of issue before? Any help would be much appreciate...

Hiding all the 'Skipped Build' messages in VS2005 / VS2008

I'm building a Visual C++ solution that includes a large number of projects, most of which are skipped for this build. Every time I hit 'Build' I get a dozen messages like this in the Build output: 1>------ Skipped Build: Project: this_project_name, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Project not selected to build for this solution con...

Building own php framework.

Hi, I am interested in building my own php framework for my personal use to make my coding life easier. I am doing this as I am fairly (sort of) use to php now, and can't seem to get use to any framework. I have an idea of making loads of functions in a .php file. Like I have started to do, sor for the send mail function I have simplifi...


Hello all, I am building Froyo, is it possible that during building, make/python can output the file and the command it is calling right now. For example, in one of the, there is a line, says, echo build success. On the monitor it will show "build success", what I want is that in addition, it shows " line 20: ech...

When should we call build/rebuild current project/solution and when to call clean solution?

I work with a team and sometimes get problems, eg missing a warning/error, when I don't rebuild the solution (I often call build solution only). Rebuild the solution help me get rid of those problems but take long times. So, I want to know in which situations we should/shouldn't call rebuild as well as clean a solution/project? ...