
How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse

How can I set the java.library.path for a whole Eclipse Project? I'm using a Java library that relies on OS specific files and need to find a .dll/.so/.jnilib. But the Application always exits with an error message that those files are not found on the library path. I would like to configure this whole project to use the library path. ...

Eclipse: How to prevent an entire rebuild of a project after changing classpath

Is there away to prevent eclipse from rebuilding the entire project every time I change an entry in the class path. Unfortunately, I have to play around with the build path often and rebuilding the projects takes a long time (easily 20-30 mins). Is there away to avoid this? ...

Eclipse Error: 'Setting build path' has encountered error

Hi, I am using an API called jtwitter. It has a single jar file jtwitter.jar I have been working with it and maintained it using git. I hosted the code in github. For somedays, i have not touched its code. Today, when i cloned my git repo (actually my system got a crash some days back so I had to clone ) and loaded the project into ecl...

Whats the best way to resolve dependencies between Java projects?

Hi, I think most of you will know, programmers often reuse code from other software. I think, most of the time it is a good idea. But if you use code from another project your program depends on the other project. I my current case I got three java projects A, B and C. Now A uses B and B uses C. I'm using eclipse IDE and added B to th...

Importing war file into eclipse and build path problem

Hi, I am facing some weird problem when importing .war file into eclipse. The problem is, the build folder does not contain any necessary class folder. So when I try to set the build path, eclipse reports "Error while adding to build path. Reason: cannot nest output folder 'projectName/build/class' inside 'projectName/build'. From ...

Add new resource to existing ResourceCollection (path) in ANT build script

I've got a build script that builds multiple components and jars them up. I currently build a path like so: <path id="project.class.basepath"> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> <fileset dir="${}/components"> <include name="*/build/lib/*.jar" /> </fileset> </path> ...

Specifying .class files as resources and make them copied to output (bin) folder - Eclipse

How to make eclipse treat a directory containing class files as a resource directory and make it copied to the output folder (bin) ? My project Structure is like this src com package1 all source files (.java) image files package2 some dependent class files (.class) bin com package1 generated ...

Adding a jar file to build path, as a String option in JavaCompiler.compile()

I'm trying to compile some java file dynamically, the compilation process works fine, until I try to add a jar file to the build path, any form of adding it did not work for me. if every option is a String then how to parse it so it would be legal for the compiler? Thanks in advance, Adam Zehavi. ...

How can I add a .jar to my build path in Eclipse?

I try to do it the following way: Right click on the name of the project. Click on Build Path in the drop dawn menu. Click on "Configure Build Path" And then I do not know what to do. Should I select "Source", "Projects", "Libraries", "Order and Export"? In "Libraries" I have "Add JARs..." and "Add External JARs...". What should I s...

Java Build Path - Add External JARs' and Add Variable

What is the difference between Java Build Path - Add External JARs Button and Add Variable Button Functionality, Why its required. Please explain in detail. ...

Eclipse can't find xsl template in another file in the same directory

I have three xsl documents in the same folder: ooo2xslf0-writer.xsl which contains images.xsl which calls a template called apply-border in borders.xsl Now, ooo2xslf0-writer.xsl contains: <xsl:include href="images.xsl" /> <xsl:include href="borders.xsl" /> And so I assume that apply-border is available for images.xsl when it nee...

What is the best way to reuse classes from another Java project in Eclipse?

I have multiple Java projects in Eclipse. I would like to reuse some classes in my new project from my old project. What is the best way to do that in Eclipse? I.e. is it possible to add another "project folder" to the build-path for my new project? ...

Undefined Methods - J2ME + Nokia S60 Edition 5

Hi, I am trying to maintain/develop a J2ME application on Eclipse that uses the Nokia N97 S60 SDk, edition 5. When I try to build the project (after importing it into the workspace), I get the following error: The method getRGB(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int) is undefined for the type Image. Resource: The...

Required project in build path [Eclipse]

Hello, I have a problem with my build path. In my web project all .jar must go on projects, so I cannot use the WEB-INF/lib resource to add .jars there. So I created a Lib project so I could use it in the same way I use the WEB-INF/lib. Problem is I am not beeing able to make it work properly. Seems fairly easy, I create a Java proye...

Eclipse 3.5 + ADT: build path errors

I am using Eclipse 3.5 for Jave EE Developers. Plugins installed include: Android Development Tools, Adobe Flash Builder 4, PDT, PyDev. I have problem with running the application I built. I can start a new project, add a button, and run it on an AVD. Then I add another button, try to run it on AVD, and Eclipse says 1) gen folder is mi...

What is the difference between Class Path and Build Path

hi, i am new to java i am confused with these two term. Also what should i do to create a file under the src folder of a Spring MVC Project? When i create using a File object it creates the file inside C:\SpringSourceTool... i guess this is ClassPath right? How can i get applicationcontext folder or root of the application whatever ...

m2eclipse buildpath mess up

Hi, Being a newbie with maven, I've set up a new project with the archetype "webapp" and try to build from that. My project structure is as follow : src/main/resources for production classes, and src/main/test for unit tests. Everything is working fine but when i use the m2eclipse menu "update project configuration", the build-path mes...