
What data/service is where?

What management tools (open source or otherwise) are there to track the location of data, the services that deliver/use that data and the services themselves. If you believe the snake oil a combination of DB, ESB and SOA will deliver anything anywhere, but how do you know what's where. BTW I'm not interested at the WSDL level, I'm thinki...

Has the role of the Business Analyst become redundant on true Agile projects?

On a truely agile project where the business is performing the role of the product owner, is there still a role for the Business Analyst? The product owner would do the functional testing as soon as the user story is developed and document and prioritise the user stories. In this case which I must add I haven't experienced yet and with...

It is worth moving from tester to business analyst?

I don't know if it's worth to change profession from tester into business analyst. Do you have some experiences with such transition? What are ups and downs of such move? Is business analyst more profitable? I would be grateful for any help. ...