
J2ME Byte Array ZIP Compression

Is there some library or built-in funcionality in J2ME to compress a byte array trough ZIP? I'd like to do something like this: byte[] data; byte[] compressed = ZIPLibrary.compress(data); Thanks. ...

Declaring a byte array in VB.NET

When declaring a byte array, what is the difference between the following? Is there one, or are these just two different ways of going about the same thing? Dim var1 As Byte() Dim var2() As Byte ...

How to remove bytes from a byte array

Hello, I have a program that has a byte array that varies in size, but is around 2300 bytes. What I want to do is create a function that will create a new byte array, removing all bytes that I pass to it. For example: byte[] NewArray = RemoveBytes(OldArray,0xFF); I need a function that will remove any bytes equal to 0xFF and return m...

As3 and Image ByteArray Data

How can I get the bytearray data from an image that is under certain shape, for example a circule or square? Let's say I want to modify ONLY the pixel inside this circule, how can I get this Bytearray data? Any ideas? ...

Split 8 bit byte.

So Say I have an array of bytes that is 16 long, with each 8 bits representing my data and an array that is 8 long with each 4 bits (so 2 per byte) representing my data. If I wanted to loop over these and get the values, what would be the easiest way of doing so? My poor attempt would be something like this, but this doesn't appear to ...

How can I find the starting index of a string within a UTF-8 byte array? (C#)

I have a UTF-8 byte array of data. I would like to search for a specific string in the array of bytes in C#. byte[] dataArray = (some UTF-8 byte array of data); string searchString = "Hello"; How do I find the first occurrence of the word "Hello" in the array dataArray and return an index location where the string begins (where the 'H...

how to add multible bytes together?

I'm trying to write a ROM file patcher and I came to this in the documentation: The next three bytes are the place in the destination file (the file to be patched) where a change is to be made. The two bytes following that are the length of the amount of data to be changed. How would I turn those three and two bytes into a single num...

how to read bytes bigger than 127 in java?

alright, so my code to read bytes into a int is like so: int offset = (byte << 16) | (byte2 << 8) | byte3; And it's reading the bytes "00 00 be" as -66. How do I read it as the 190 it's meant to be? ...

How to upload files in flex using PyAMF or PhpAMF? client side, and very little server side help needed.

Hy! I need to upload a group of images using flex with robotlegs. I need a progress bar to work when image is uploading. It might upload 1 image or more at the time. I want to know if uploading byteArray to server and then save the image is too heavy for the server. In the server side I have a method that is made by pyamf, and looks ...

array of ByteArray into MemoryStream

I have a method which returns a array of ByteArray: public byte[][] Draw(ImageFormat imageFormat, ImageSize imageSize); and I need to write it into a MemoryStream: var byteArray = instanceName.Draw(ImageFormat.Jpeg, ImageSize.Dpi150); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray[0]); This is working so far because the array of byte...

MySQL data is too long for column occuring on LONGBLOB

I have the following MySQL (version 5.1) table (InnoDB): Username varchar(50) Sequence int(11) FileType varchar(10) Photo longblob -- here PhotoSize int(11) Timestamp datetime Attempting to insert a byte[] 96.7KB fails with the error: Data Too Long For Column 'Photo' At Row 1 Inserting byte[] (size 37.2KB) works fine. ...

Equivalent of StringBuilder for byte arrays

This is a simple one, and one that I thought would have been answered. I did try to find an answer on here, but didn't come up with anything - so apologies if there is something I have missed. Anyway, is there an equivalent of StringBuilder but for byte arrays? I'm not bothered about all the different overloads of Append() - but I'd li...

How do I prevent WCF from auto-serializing byte-array as base-64 encoded string?

When invoking a service, my client code passes in data. One of the data members is a byte array, so WCF will automatically encode this into a base-64 string during serialization. The problem is, the data contract of the service is expecting a byte array, not a string, so deserialization of the data will result in an exception: Expecting...

Converting image to byte array?

What is the need/purpose of converting an image to a byte array? Why do we need to do this? ...

What do we mean by Byte array?

Could someone please explain, I do not exactly get it What is a Byte Array Where and when we use it in applications/programs what are the advantages and dis-advantages of using a byte array ...

POSTing ByteArray Data from AS3 to PHP

I have this: import JPGEncoder; var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0); var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd); bm.alpha = .5; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, screenCap); function screenCap(e:Event):void { bmd.draw(this); var jpgVersion:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder( 80 ); var jpgStream:...

Writing Flex 3 ByteArray deflate algorithm

I come into a trouble implementing a Flex 3.0.0 client that receives compressed HTTP body from server via a socket HTTP library (not class HTTPService ). First it seems that nginx supports ONLY gzip compression with gzip on;. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) So, add HTTP header of Accept-Encoding: gzip to request. Then I get a compressed By...

C# - Convert byte[] to String in Windows 7 Phone

Hi I am trying to get device id of windows 7 phone using following code byte[] result = null; String id = null; object uniqueId; if (DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId", out uniqueId)) result = (byte[])uniqueId; Problem is that I need this result in String. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Best Regards ...

Save byte[] into a SQL Server database from C#

How can I save a byte[] array into a SQL Server database? This byte[] contains a HashAlgorithm value. The data is needed again for later use. So converting it and NOT getting it back in its original state, is not what I want. Thanks in advance! ...

File Comparison via Byte Array issues.

I am coding a class that compares the files of two directories via comparing the Byte arrays of each file. I am however not getting the expected results; identical files are not being resolved as identical files. First problem: Matching the files Byte[] with equals() resolves to false with matching files (Checked with only one file as ...