
The first public scope indicator at the top of the c++ winform control file?

I am following a tutorial for Windows Forms (Visual Studio 2005, sorry its all I've got at uni). http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235628(v=VS.80).aspx I am on Add a Custom Property to the Control It is asking me to: Place the cursor after the colon of the first public scope indicator at the top of the clickcounterControl.h f...

unresolved token - c++

I am trying to solve a lesson in my study. I am going to have an abstract class, CFigure, on top and different figures below, currently I have made a circle class. I am going to call this from a C# program. But when I try to build my code I get the following error messages: unresolved token (06000001) arealBeregnerCPP.CFigure::area u...

Is it possible to use boost::serialization with managed class?

We have a lot of native c++ classes that are serialized perfectly using boost::serialization. Now we want to change some of their member fields to property, so we could use them in PropertyGrids. When we changed the class definiction to ref class X, we got a huge number of these compilation errors: #1: error C2893: Failed to specialize...

Graph drawing VC++

I'd like to know, how coordinates can be transformed to center of the form for drawing mathematical functions. I already tried ->TranslateTransform(x,y) on Graphics object, this works, but only in one quarter of coordinates. How should I draw math functions on the form?Programming C++ long, but WinForms and Drawing are new 4 me. ...