
What do I need to know to upgrade a complex application from C++Builder 2007 to 2010?

My company's main application is mostly written in C++ (with some Delphi code and components). We are upgrading from RAD Studio 2007 to 2010 for the next release, starting in about a week. What do I need to know to ensure this upgrade goes smoothly? Points I have thought of so far are: Unicode. This one looks really complicated. O...

How do I transfer a buffer? TTCpServer/TTcpClient

So good night. I'm new here, and I need a big help. I'm doing a program, and I need to send a file from one pc to another one. I'm trying to send it using buffer, but I'm having some problems. First, it sends the buffer - I thing - , but it creates the file and its size is 0 kb, I think I'm not writing the buffer in the file, bit, I real...

dbExpress and SQL Server 2000 problem

I’m using the new C++ builder 2010 and I’m upgrading a c++ program from c++ builder 6. I have a case sensitive data database (SQL Server 2000) using the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS I’m moving the data components from BDE to dbExpress. Using profiler I can see that when the components query systables / get Meta data its searc...

Object Inspector Rad Studio

is it possible to put methods in the properties of objects in the object inspector in rad studio 2010 (or an older version)? if so how? ...

UML Modelling in C++Builder 2010 Professional

I'd like to do some basic class diagram UML models in the Pro version of C++Builder 2010. Embarcadero has a C++Builder Features Matrix document, one line of which says "UML Code Visualization – at any time, get a UML model view of your source code" and has a check in the "Professional" column of that table -- I assume this means it shoul...

TRttiMethod::Invoke use

Hi there, I would like to know how to use the Invoke method of the TRttiMethod class in C++Builder 2010. This is my code Tpp *instance=new Tpp(this); TValue *args; TRttiContext * ctx=new TRttiContext(); TRttiType * t = ctx->GetType(FindClass(instance->ClassName())); TRttiMethod *m=t->GetMethod("Show"); m->Invoke(instance,args,0); ...

Problems accessing uccapi.dll COM interface C++

Hi, I'm working on a project involving the Microsoft Unified Communications Client API; uccapi.dll. I'm also using Codegear C++Builder 2010, not Visual Studio. After registering the dll with regsvr32 and importing it as type library into C++Builder 2010, uccapi_tlb- and uccapi_ocx-files were generated. When having imported these into my ...

How should I embed Python in a C++ Builder / Delphi 2010 application?

I'm interested in experimenting with embedding Python in my application, to let the user run Python scripts within the application environment, accessing internal (C++-implemented) objects, etc. I'm quite new to this so don't know exactly what I'm doing. I have read Embedding Python in Another Application, though this seems to talk onl...