
Detecting which MCUs to connect on an incoming conference

Hello, SO. I'm working with the OCS UCCAPI, developing a custom OCS client. I'm currently having a hard time detecting what "kind" of Conference my client is being invited to. Using the Office Communicator client, I can start "IM conferences" (by inviting more than 1 person and selecting "start a IM conversation") or "video conferences"...

Problems accessing uccapi.dll COM interface C++

Hi, I'm working on a project involving the Microsoft Unified Communications Client API; uccapi.dll. I'm also using Codegear C++Builder 2010, not Visual Studio. After registering the dll with regsvr32 and importing it as type library into C++Builder 2010, uccapi_tlb- and uccapi_ocx-files were generated. When having imported these into my ...

How to assign the properties of Conference information object for a new Live meeting

Hi, I need to know how to schedule a conference which is similar to a Live meeting created by Live meeting add-in on the office communication server. I can obtain the sip by following the uccapi. But cant I connect to the meeting with that sip. I thought the way I configured the UccConferenceInformation is wrong. Please give any idea. ...