
What's the difference between std::string::c_str and std::string::data?

Why would I ever want to call std::string::data() over std::string::c_str()? Surely there is some method to the standard's madness here... ...

C++ c_str doesn't return entire string

I've tried the following code with both normal ifstreams and the current boost:iostream I'm using, both have the same result. It is intended to load a file from physfs into memory then pass it to a handler to process (eg Image, audio or data). Currently when c_str is called it only returns a small part of the file. PhysFS::FileStr...

How to make String to const wchar_t* conversion function work under Windows and Linux

Hi, I work on a project written for MSVCC / Windows, that I have to port to GCC / Linux. The Project has its own String Class, which stores its Data in a QString from Qt. For conversion to wchar_t* there was originally this method (for Windows): const wchar_t* String::c_str() const { if (length() > 0) { return (const wchar...

.c_str() weirdness? Data changes without rhyme or reason?

I have this simple function: const wchar_t *StringManager::GetWCharTStar(int stringId) { std::wstring originalString = StringManager::GetString(stringId); const wchar_t *retStr = originalString.c_str(); return retStr; } At the second line of that function, I have the correct wchar_t*. However, when I go to return, the dat...

Returning c_str from a function

This is from a small library that I found online: const char* GetHandStateBrief(const PostFlopState* state) { static std::ostringstream out; ... rest of the function ... return out.str().c_str() Now in my code I am doing this: const char *d = GetHandStateBrief(&post); std::cout<< d << std::endl; Now, at first d contained ga...