



This is from a small library that I found online:

 const char* GetHandStateBrief(const PostFlopState* state)
    static std::ostringstream out;

... rest of the function ...

 return out.str().c_str()

Now in my code I am doing this:

const char *d = GetHandStateBrief(&post);
std::cout<< d << std::endl;

Now, at first d contained garbage. I then realized that the c string I am getting from the function is destroyed when the function returns because std::ostringstream is allocated on the stack. So I added:

return strdup( out.str().c_str());

And now I can get the text I need from the function.

I have two questions:

1) Am I understanding this correctly?

2) I later noticed that the ostringstream was was allocated with static storage. Doesn't that mean that the object is supposed to stay in memory until the program terminates? and if so , then why can't I access the string?

+7  A: 

strdup allocates a copy of the string on the heap, which you have to free manually later (with free() I think). If you have the option, it would be much better to return std::string.

The static storage of out doesn't help, because .str() returns a temporary std::string, which is destroyed when the function exits.

Marcelo Cantos

In GetHandStateBrief, variable out does not need to be static. You need an explicit static string to replace the temporary that was being created in your original call to out.str():

static std::string outStr;
std::ostringstream out;
... rest of function ...
outStr = out.str();
return outStr.c_str();
sean e
This is risky. The returned `char*` isn't guaranteed to be valid after a subsequent call to `GetHandStateBrief`.
Marcelo Cantos
True that every call to `GetHandStateBrief` will invalidate the pointer returned by the previous call. The risk is context dependent though.
sean e
You're right ... sorry, wasn't reading that right.
Brian Roach
downvote for the risk of shooting yourself in the foot?
sean e
@sean (re: downvote): I guess so, but not from me.
Marcelo Cantos
No downvote from me either, but the 'static variable in the function so we can return a pointer instead of just returning the object' is a a bit of a well-known antipattern in C++. See Scott Meyer's Effective C++ 2nd edition, Item 23.
Timo Geusch
I don't think this is no worse that the original code (except this one works). strdup in a C++ program isn't necessarily any better.
All true - but I'll leave it as this succeeds at what he was trying to do. I've had to use a similar anti-pattern across dlls when the CRT is not shared. OTOH, I agree that this should not be practiced if the object can be returned instead.
sean e

strdup() returns a char* pointer that is pointing to memory on the heap. You need to free() it when you're done with it, but yes, that will work.

The static local variable std::ostringstream out makes no sense in this case, unless the std::string being returned was also static which your observation is showing to be not true.

Brian Roach
+1  A: 

You're right that out is a static variable allocated on the data segment. But out.str() is a temporary allocated on the stack. So when you do return out.str().c_str() you're returning a pointer to a stack temporary's internal data. Note that even if a string is not a stack variable, c_str is "only granted to remain unchanged until the next call to a non-constant member function of the string object."

I think you've hit on a reasonable workaround, assuming you can't just return a string.

Matthew Flaschen
Hmm, "static variable allocated on the heap" - never heard of such thing :)
Nikolai N Fetissov
Thanks for catching that.
Matthew Flaschen
Well, the character data of the string is indeed stored on the heap with any std::string, whether static or whatever. It's the string descriptor stored on the data segment like other variables with global lifetime.
Ben Voigt