
Can I access the c3P0 connection pool properties programmatically?

Hi, I am worried that the properties I have set for my C3P0 connection pool are not being used correctly. Is there a way I can access the values that are set while the application is running and print them out: Println("Minimum connections"+connectionNumers.minimum); Thanks ...

c3p0 ResultSet.unwrap throws an AbstractMethodError

I have a ResultSet object that I need to turn into an OracleResultSet so that I can call the getOPAQUE(String) method on it. I'm using c3p0 as my connection pool. The problem is that c3p0 wraps ResultSets in NewProxyResultSet objects. This shouldn't be a problem because I should just be able to call unwrap on the ResultSet like this: r...

hibernate property

can anyone explain on this 2 properties Q1. hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer ? what is the effect of setting to true and false Q2. hibernate.c3p0.max_statements . i read hibernate doc https://www.hibernate.org/214.html. it only mentioned default value is 0. I am using oracle10g, and i set to 100. but i want to know how to ...

hibernate connection pool

I can't seem to get hibernate to use c3p0 for connection pooling, it says 12:30:35,038 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:64 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) 12:30:35,038 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:65 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20 Hibernate Config: <hibernate-configuration> <...

c3p0 Connection Checkin

I'm trying to implement a solution with c3p0 for the first time. I understand how to initialize the connection pool and "checkout" a Connection from the pool as follows: ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setDriverClass(driverClass); cpds.setJdbcUrl(url); cpds.setUser(username); cpds.setPassword(password); Co...

Eclipse + DN + C3P0

I'm trying to put C3P0 up & running. http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform/rdbms/c3p0.html I have These as Plugins (app runs fine): datanucleus-connectionpool-1.0.2.jar datanucleus-core-1.1.0.m3.jar datanucleus-enhancer-1.1.0.m1.jar datanucleus-rdbms-1.1.0.m3.jar I added (to the classpath): c3p0- And the par...

How to check if an JPA/hibernate database is up with second-level caching

I have a JSP/Spring application using Hibernate/JPA connected to a database. I have an external program that check if the web server is up every 5 minutes. The program call a specific URL to check if the web server is still running. The server returns "SUCCESS". Obviously if the server is now, nothing is returned. The request timesout a...

c3p0 pool cannot establish a coonection. How to debug this?

I have a Tomcat and PostgreSQL installed on a server. I'm having a connection problem trying to connect from my servlet to PostgreSQL database using c3p0 pool. I can reach DB if I'm running Tomcat locally on my laptop. Also I can connect from server to DB using psql (i.e. command line sql utility). But when I'm trying to deploy my serv...

configure c3p0 with multiple mysql instances

Hi, i just wonder how to configure a c3p0 instance in a web-server against a master/slaves configuration of mysql ? it means that one c3p0 instance may make connections to more than one mysql servers at a time. Thank you Lee ...

How good is Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP)

Does anybody have experience with using Oracle UCP under real production load? Does it handle database reconnects well? Are there any multi-threading issues? Has anybody compared it with C3P0 or Apache DBCP? ...

Jetty 7 + MySQL Config [java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext]

I've been trying to get a c3p0 db connection pool configured for Jetty, but I keep getting a ClassNotFoundException: 2010-03-14 19:32:12.028:WARN::Failed startup of context WebAppContext@fccada@fccada/phpMyAdmin,file:/usr/local/jetty/webapps/phpMyAdmin/,file:/usr/local/jetty/webapps/phpMyAdmin/ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mort...

JDBC resultset close

I am doing profiling of my Java application and found some interesting statistics for a jdbc PreparedStatement call: Given below is the environment details: Database: Sybase SQL Anywhere 10.0.1 Driver: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver connection pool: c3p0 JRE: 1.6.0_05 The code in question is given below: try { ps = conn.prepareSt...

How to configure MySQL connection properties with Spring, Hibernate 3.3 and c3p0?

I am currently in the process of upgrading an application from Hibernate 3.2 to Hibernate 3.3. I though I'd stick with the default connection pool (Hibernate changed its default from Commons DBCP to c3p0) as I don't have any good reason to choose a non-default pool. At least non but having used DBCP before. The upgrade went pretty much...

c3p0 connection management problems

Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0.2, Hibernate 3.5.0 and c3p0 and I'm having a ton of errors when it comes down to retrieving connections and commiting transactions. Here's my configuration of c3p0: <bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClass" value="${j...

Changing location of c3p0.properties and hibernate.properties.

I have a problem regarding the use of hibernate.properties and c3p0.properties. I am dependent upon an API. The API uses Hibernate. As such the API has it's own hibernate.properties and c3p0.properties file included within its delivery jar. I need to ensure I ignore these properties completely when instantiating my Hibernate SessionF...

c3p0 acronym origin - jdbc connection pool name

Can anyone share the origin and meaning of the jdbc connection pool named c3p0. Was it inspired from star wars?. ...

Java Hibernate/C3P0 error: "Could not obtain connection metadata. An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out."

I'm trying to get some code I was passed up and running. It appears to use the Hibernate framework. I've gotten past most of the errors tweaking the configuration, but this one has me dead stumped. It's trying to connect to two databases: gameapp and gamelog. Both exist. It seems to have issues connecting to gamelog, but none connecting...

Do I need to use C3P0 pooling library in my (grails) web application?

Hi, I am not familiar at all with connection pooling library. I've just discovered it through this blog article) and I am not sure that I should use one in my web application based on grails/hibernate/mysql. So my question is simple : in which situations would you suggest to integrate a connection pooling library into a grails applica...

Hibernate/c3p0 connection leak

We're running a spring/hibernate/c3p0 application under load. When I reduce the c3p0 maxPoolSize to some far, far lower than the number of concurrent users, our application just hangs. There are no error messages in the log, but it doesn't proceed forward either. I expect the application to slow down, but not to stop altogether. Here ...

Non-blocking MySQL updates with java?

For a multiplayer game I'm working on I'd like to record events to the mysql database without blocking the game update thread so that if the database is busy or a table is locked the game doesn't stop running while it waits for a write. What's the best way to accomplish this? I'm using c3p0 to manage the database connection pool. My be...