
How do I disable caching of an individual file in IIS 7 using weserver config settings

Is there any way to diable the caching of a single javascript file in my ASP.NET applicaiton without disabling the caching of any other files in the application? It is running on IIS 7 in Azure, so to me it seems that my only options of controlling this are within the webserver tags. I currently use the folowwing config, but this is di...

How to implement caching in dedicated caching service in .net 3.5/ 4.0 ?

Hi, I need to develop a dedicated caching service ( either a WCF service or a .Net remoting service or other implementation) to cache the data (monitoring data of .net3.5 Latency measuring application) from Database ( SQL Server 2005) which can then be consumed by 2-3 windows services( .net 3.5 WCf services) so that they do not need ...

extending java Integer cahce

Why YOU should use Integer.valueOf(int) In particular, why you should use Integer.valueOf(int) instead of new Integer(int): CACHING. But in JDK 5+, you should really use valueOf because Integer now caches Integer objects between -128 and 127 and can hand you back the same exact Integer(0) object every time instead of wasting an object...

Chrome - why is it sending if-modified-since requests?

I have a page with lots of small images (icons). When used with chrome, each time the page is reloaded, chrome requests each icon from the server with if-modified-since header. All icons are served with expires and max-age headers. Firefox loads images from its cache. Why is chrome doing that and how can I prevent it? Thanks ...

android caching web service data

I'd like to make my Android app responsive, even when the network connection is not. For certain calls, the data doesn't change that often, so I'd like to be able to retrieve the most recent XML response for a given call. Ideally, I'd like to do this similar to how web caching works, hash the call/params, set rules as to expiry, etc....

Are gzipped files server-side cached?

Hello! When using Gzip to compress css and js files, does the compressed css or js file remain cached in the server to be resent to other visitors or does it require another compression process for each visitor or even each page view? thanks. ...

disable caching on a single page

Hi I have checked this thread. And wondering if I can put the answer inside page_load ? If not how do I disable the cache on for a single page? Thanks! ...

cache "ways_of_associativity"

on linux system, in the directory /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index0/ what is the meaning of "ways_of_associativity" ? Do somebody know the answer? ...

Cakephp delete cache too many

Cake will clear a cached view if a model used in the cached view is modified When i update anything to expample table : posts it 'll delete all cache relate to posts as view, index/page:2,3,....., even search , anything have posts . It delete too much, can prevent it delete cache of action search or index,.., when update ? ...

What open source Java caching framework is the most popular and why?

I'm looking for an open source Java caching framework to use in my web app. I would like the obvious nice features, simple yet powerful, highly configurable yet good standard defaults. Thanks ...

How to cache tags with acts_as_taggable_on?

Hello, guys! I have model with tag context: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :categories end I'm trying to initialize tags caching: class AddCachedCategoryListToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :products, :cached_category_list, :string Product.reset_column_information ...

ASP.NET - IIS 7 - DotNetNuke - How do I force browsers to reload the site's CSS?

I have run into the problem where my css files are being cached in browsers. This is a fairly common problem, and a common solution is to simple add a version number in the url to the css file. Example: MyCSS.css?ver=1.12 However, I'm using a custom skin for DotNetNuke which forces the usage of the file: skin.css I don't have a way to ...

Details on Google App Engine's caching proxy?

Google App Engine must have some sort of reverse caching proxy because when I set the response header Cache-Control public, max-age=300 from one of my servlets, subsequent requests to the app engine show up in the logs like this: /testcaching 204 1ms 0cpu_ms 49kb, whereas non-cached requests show up in the logs as: /testcaching 200 61ms...

Android ArrayAdapter & ListView slowness

Hello, To display & load images in my ListView I've created a custom ArrayAdapter, however it is really slow. Every time I scroll through the list it loads the images again. Is there a caching mechanism which will cache my Views so I don't need to refill them every time? I know about the ViewHolder method, however this still is slow or...

how to cache latest inserted data in MySQL?

Is it possible to cache recently inserted data in MySQL database internally? I looked at query cache etc ( but thats not what I am looking for. I know that 'SELECT' query will be cached. Details: I am inserting lots of data to MySQL DB every second. I have two kind of users for ...

Android - How would you optimize searching in a REST response cache database?

I'm writing a thick client for a REST based web service (for Android). I'd like to cache results that I got from this service, and I'd like to store these results in an SQLite DB. There's a single table in this db, every record represents a past transaction with the web service. In its schema, there's an attribute for: the http reponse c...

Best way to cache XML files

Hi, I have website which connects to 14-17 xml streams and downloads streams with every page load. That was fine for testing purposes and for traffic <100/day. However it now gets to stage when page loads slower and slower because I need to wait for external XML to download. What is the best way to cache/manipulate with these files? ...

Do I need both cache-control and expires on my images hosted on amazon s3?

I've recently switched to hosting the images for my site onto s3, and when i upload images to s3 i add this metatag : "Cache-Control=public,max-age=2593000" when I run yslow, it tells me the images have no far-flung expiry date (Expires metatag). Do I have to add an Expires entry too ? I've searched quite a bit and it seems you real...

How to set up SysCache on Fluent NHibernate?

Using this, I can tell Fluent NHibernate to use SysCache as a 2nd Level Cache Provider: MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ShowSql().ConnectionString(x => { x.Server(@"localhost\ANDREPC"); x.Database("mydb"); x.TrustedConnection(); }).Cache(c => c.ProviderClass<SysCachePr...

Is there a way I can implement this specific kind of output cache for ASP.NET?

I want to run a custom logic, before the page life-cycle, to decide what version of a cached page I want to serve to the user. Example: If the user is not logged, then I go to a cache dictionary, catch a version A of the page and serve to the user. Otherwise, if it's logged, then I'll see if I already cached a version of the page sp...