
is there any view page caching for codeigniter

Hello, I am using codeigniter db query caching and i would like to cache my view pages just like codeigniter CI caching instead of cache whole page i would like to different pages for logged in users and not logged in users so could someone please tell me is there any view page caching system for codeigniter or db query caching is best ...

Google chrome same url cache

I'm testing my servlet using google chrome. When i tried to load the same url twice, say, localhost/myserver/servlet chrome only sent out one request to the server. However, if I modified the second url to be: localhost/myserver/servlet?id=2 it sent two different requests. I've enabled the incognito mode, but it seems that chrome sha...

Is there a way of forcing a variable to stay cached in x86(/_64)?

With Blackfin processors, I can declare a variable with "l1_data" attribute in gcc, and that variable stays in L1 data SRAM. Is there a way to do this on x86 or x86_64? ...

Clean up Browser Cache

Hi, I´m programming Java App. and get an error, because browser dont connect to server to take new values, just renderize from cache... I make something like this: <% if(request.getAttribute("msg")!=null) out.println("alert("+request.getAttribute("msg")+")"); %> It works fine, but when i click on a link and then click on BACK butt...

Cakephp dont delete Javascript cache files

$js->writeBuffer(array('cache' => true)); it create > 7000 files cache in folder webroot/js/ mywebsite in 10 days. How to delete auto for this ...

Reproducing "Gallery of processor cache effects"

Having read this article I tried to reproduce the example on my Mac. However my curve for the first example looks completely different and I don't understand why.. My code is below: #include <mach/mach_time.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void mach_absolute_difference(uint64_t end, uint64_t start, struct ...

Testing GWT application in firefox - how to prevent firefox to cache css

I develop a GWT application and use mozilla firefox for testing. I am looking for a way to configure firefox to not cache css files of my application. Because it often happens that I forget to clean the firefox cache and work on my application with old css styles. Is it possible to configure mozilla firefox to not cache css files? ...

Where should I implement cache within Zend_Db ?

Hi, I'm looking to implement a cache within Zend_Db, there isn't any native method to provide a cache to Zend_Db, so I'm wondering where should I do it. I took a look to the Zend_Db_Table_Abstract (I'm extending it in a custom App_Model_DbTable_Abstract) and I found a protected method _fetch() which directly take a Zend_Db_Table_Select...

GAE & response caching

Good afternoon, I need that results of my Servlet always cached by browser. Trying to put the same headers like but the results still do not come from the browser cache (tested with FireBug). My code: response.setContentType("text/javascript"); response.setHeader("Last-Modi...

Open Source Software Transactional Memory

I am looking for open source Software Transactional Memory implementation. A list of such implementations in Java will be helpful. Also please point me to performance benchmark comparisons. ...

APC: opcode cache vs. user cache - set separate limits

Hey, I am trying to move from the typical combination of APC (for opcode) and Memcache (for my userdata) to a purely apc based cache. Given my usage structure it makes sense and performance is higher. But unlike before, where the apc cache was limited to a reasonable size and did not affect my data cache, I am now worried that the op...

JCrop caching image

I'm trying to implement Jcrop with a list of images. At the moment, when you click the link to crop, a lightbox loads an ajax call with the image and all the cropping tools and everything is working great. I've tested across several images in the db and all looks good. however, once I crop the image and the lightbox closes, if I then tr...

Work-around for aggressive proxy/cache servers causing session problems?

I have a question regarding whether incorrectly configured proxy/cache servers might be the cause of an odd problem I have seen in my web application. The application is LAMP based, and run off a single host, and the service is used from a number of different countries. Sessions are used to manage user interactions. While this applicat...

Use server-side proxy to set expires header for static resources on another domain

I have a web app that links to several thumbnail images from another server on the same domain that I have no configuration control over. The page loads about about 2 to 2.5 mb worth of static images. I would really like to have the server owner set the expires header so the images don't re-download every single time, but unfortunately...

fastest way to persist changes

hi, in my web app the database has a blob(an xml file). The user is allowed to change the blob through a web interface. I take the blob show it in a html form, then the user can change some values and save it back. So the user submit request has a db save. Can I save the entry to a cache to speed up the submit request? But then there is ...

Problem with PHP aplication updates because of the browser cache

Hi, We have an application in PHP. The problem comes when we make updates and changes in this application. Sometimes, the users don't get the last version of the application (HTML and javascript are mainly changed) because of the browser cache. Once we realized about it, we were able to include the next code in our application (We execut...

track changes to a db blob

hi, in my web app the database has a blob(an xml file). The user is allowed to change the blob through a web interface. I take the blob show it in a html form, then the user can change some values and save it back. So the user submit request has a db save. For some tracking purpose I want to store the previous and current state of the ...

Fluent NHibernate Cacheing for Linq queries

I have just discovered that I don't think my nhibernate setup seems to be cacheing properly. I'm running a SQL server profiler and neither the 1st or 2nd level cache appear to be working. For my queries I'm using: var queryable = NHibernateSession.CurrentFor(NHibernateSession.DefaultFactoryKey).Linq<Accommodation>(); queryable.QueryOpt...

Remove Etag and Last-Modified headers from IIS

Did you know you can prevent the revalidation of files in browser cache and subsequent 304 response by completely removing both the ETag and Last-Modifed response headers? Of course, this is easy in Apache, but as clear as mud in IIS 6. Does anyone know how to remove both of these headers in IIS? ...

Delayed_Jobs will not refresh

I had previously a mailer set up to send me emails to all user accounts. But now I'm trying to debug it. So I gutted it out completely and it still sends emails to me. I have absolutely no reasoning or understanding as to why. Insanity! :D controller def org_blast_send Delayed::Job.enqueue[:subject], params[:edi...