
Creating a Social Networking Website in PHP

What's the best PHP Social Networking Framework (opensource) ASAP (Working prototype in 4 hours!)? I'm looking at something that can handle profiles, where each profile can make multiple posts, and each post can be rated by the community? I'm looking at BuddyPress with WP MU? Is it possible? Should I go with CakePHP or CodeIgniter? Any...

Cakephp - checkPasswords is always false

Hello :) I'm working on the signup process and want to check if the two passwords (password + re-entered password) are equal. These are my validation rules in the User Model: var $validate = array( 'username' => array( 'notEmpty' => array( 'rule' => array('minLength', 5), 'required' => true, ...

Is it possible to use a WordPress session to authenticate to a CakePHP application?

What is the best way to use a successful WordPress sign-in attempt to authenticate to a CakePHP application? I don't want to use password synchronization, if at all possible. I'd prefer to keep all of the user details within the WordPress database tables. I've been rolling this over in my mind this weekend and can't think of a good solut...

How can I do pagination of HABTM data?

hello.., i have a table where a Collection has many Entities and an Entity has and belongs to many for a particular collection there are many can i paginate those entities belonging to a particular collection.. my find query says.., $this->Collection->find('first', array('condition'=>array('uid'=>$uid)), ...

cakephp isAuthorized() not being called

I am trying to use the isAuthorized() method to do a check for an admin flag, but the function never seems to be called. Even when I set the function to always return false, it allows any user. It just seems like it isn't being called. Do I need to do something more than setting $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller' ? from /app/app_con...

Fatal Error while creating a shell which should connect to the database

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/cake/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line 370 //shell <?php class ReportShell extends Shell { var $uses = array('Customer'); function main() { $customers = $this->Customer->find('all'); var_dump($customers);...

Synchronizing Database Schemas among Developers

I'm working on a project with couple others. We all have local copies of the project, which is also constantly updated via svn repo. Because we are in the early stage of the development, we often change the schema of our database. This leads to a lot of problem when we sync our code, because we don't have a great way to synchronize our...

CakePHP's scaffolding questions and changing the language of error messages

I've started to learn how to use the CakePHP framework for a part time job. And I decided to build one of my personal projects in this framework to get some practice on it. I have some models I created using Cake bake command and I added the automated CRUD support (It adds to the controller var $scaffold for the all relevant actions. I...

Best PHP Framework Training Resource?

Hi, I'm interesting on learnig and dominate any kind of the most popular PHP framework, like CodeIgniter, ZendFramework, CakePHP, Symphony. I 'll choose my own Framework based on the support training behind. And it will be better if it has training lessons delivered in video format. Does anyone know which is the best PHP Framework to s...

cakephp and get requests

How does cakephp handle a get request? For instance, how would it handle a request like this...;.rand=9553121_pg=showFolder&amp;fid=Inbox&amp;order=down&amp;tt=1732&amp;pSize=20&amp;.rand=425311406&amp;.jsrand=3 Would "mc" be the controller and "welcome" be the action? How is the rest...

Customizing the style and location of $session->flash's output in CakePHP 1.2

I'm writing a simple web application using CakePHP version 1.2 (the latest) and am having an issue with displaying the flash message from the Session helper. In my layout, there exists the following code: <?php echo $this->renderElement('flash'); ?> Which renders the following element: <?php if($session->check('Message.flash')): ?> ...

Using params['named'] in Cakephp

url: /contents/view/chapter:models/section:associations class ContentsController extends AppController { function view() { $this->params['named']; } } For example, I have the url and controller above and the goal is to use the key/value information from the url to query a database. How would I create a model to do ...

Forms in Cakephp

Hi, I m creating an application of creating forms.I m using the Form Helper of cakePhp.. In the views <?php echo $form->create('Form', array('action' => 'register'));?> <?php echo $form->input('',array('type'=>'textbox'));?> <?php echo $form->end(); ?> The form is not generated ...I m having the Forms_contro...

cakePHP form errors

hi , I m creating just creating a register form in cakephp .. On using the follwing code in my view <?php echo $form->create('User', array('url' => array('action' => 'register'))); ?> <?php echo $form->input('', array('type'=>'text')); ?> <?php echo $form->end(); ?> Will displays errors as $model = "Form"</pre><pre>sprin...

cakephp contollers

There are two buttons in my cakephp page,one for registering new users and the other one for login. Can both the button's action be directed to the same function in the controller and have the same view.ctp file?? if yes,how can I do it? ...

In cakePHP, how to retrieve joined result from multiple tables

Hi, can anyone tell me, how to retrieve joined result from multiple tables in cakePHP ( using cakePHP mvc architecture). For example, I have three tables to join (tbl_topics, tbl_items, tbl_votes. Their relationship is defined as following: a topic can have many items and an item can have many votes. Now I want to retrieve a list of topi...

how to optimise site load times in ruby?

I'm a newbie who is creating a lightweight photo showcase site written on the cake php framework with RoR.i plan to use effects from the scriptalicious library, as well as jquery for photo display & transition effects. As the site will be very photo-rich, what programming steps can i take to ensure that all photos and other pages load q...

Redirect Loop in CakePHP

I've got a CakePHP site that is stuck in a redirect loop. I've removed every piece of code that does a redirect & I've turned off autoRedirect on the Auth object. This occurred when I logged out of the site and has persisted even after deleting all cookies and just trying to load the homepage. The index action is in $this->Auth->allow....

How can I get HTML syntax highlighting in my editor for CakePHP?

I use Notepad++ and Aptana for editing my CakePHP code? Is there any way to get basic html syntax highlighting for CakePHP's .ctp template files? It's a lot harder for me without any coloring going on. Any ideas? ...

In cakephp how can I do a find with conditions on a realted field?

I've got a model (Listings) that has and belongs to a few different models, I'd like to find all of this model where it's related model (Openhouses) have a condition. The 'has and belongs to' are setup in the model files. Listings hasmany Openhouses and Openhouses belong to Listings. (And listings has many and blongs to a few other model...