
How to implement a getter-function (using callbacks)

I have to request data for a JS-script from a MySQL database (based upon a user-id). I did not find a simple solution for JavaScript and it was not possible to load the data using ajax, because the database is available under a different domain. I implemented a workaround using PHP and curl. Now the JS has to "wait" for the request...

Quicksand with prettyPhoto callback

Hello, I'm using the jQuery plugin quicksand ( and I want to integrate prettyPhoto ( to be able use with it. At first everything works fine. However when I click on a link to filter the portfolio, prettyphoto...

What to put at CALLBACK_URL in twitter using Oauth from my android application?

Dear Android guys. I am developing an application of Twitter -Client. i got lots of hint form this site. i write some come that is import oauth.signpost.OAuthProvider; import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthProvider; import oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer; import twitter4j.Status; import twitter4j.Twitter; i...

ASP.NET - How can I add a new javascript from a user control loaded by callback?

Hi all, I'm doing a menu that loads levels dynamicly, when you click on a item the next level is loaded asynchronously. For each menu item I have a user control. Every user control is declared in its parent, for example, the "secondlevelcontrol" has the reference to "thirdlevelcontrol". With this level of nesting, I want to manage the ...

[jquery] Storing an arbitrary action to be executed upon completion of an action

The flow for my application, for non-logined users, looks like this: 1) non-logined user does a given action that requires login (arbitrary) 2) dialog appears for non-logined user and he logins without any refreshing of the page 3) collecting of additional information if it is new user 3) the given action should be executed How can i...

Elegantly passing an "click event" through multiple callbacks

When a non-logined user clicks on a given button, I want to stop the event, collect his oauth, collect his email if i do not have it, and then execute the event. I want to do everything in javascript because that would keep things much more simple. This is how I am executing it, and I have 2 questions: Is there a more elegant way o...

GLU Tesselator says: "Need combine callback" But I defined a callback...

Hi, I registered a CALLBACK using: gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, (GLvoid(*)()) &scbCombine); Where scbCombine is a function directly in the same .cpp file: void CALLBACK scbCombine(const double newVertex[3], const double *neighborVertex[4], const float neighborWeight[4], double **outData) { instanceMDC->cbCombine(newVe...

Defining a callback function for a given value

In Java, is it possible to associate some object (i.e. a String) with a function to be called ? I have two similar menus and both have a onClickListener with some code like this: if ( { doSomeFunction(argument); } else if ( { doSomeOtherFunction(); } else if ( { doStuff(arg2); } else { } I would j...

Disabling ActiveModel callbacks

I published an article on disabling ActiveModel callbacks, but I’m not completely sure this is the prettiest way to do something like this. Mongoid::Timestamps adds a before save callback that updates the updated_at field. Let's say I don't want that in some cases and I disable the callback like this: class User # I'm using Mongoid, ...

puzzle: value in clousure is changed.

I use to geocode. There is a address array containing around 20 addresess addresses[n] = {where:where,who:who,contact:contact,note:note,type:type}; Then I loop the array to geocode for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { geocoder2.getLocations(addresses[i].where, functio...

WCF Server-to-Client callback method with return value

I've attempted the question different ways, check my profile for the other two questions explaining the difficulty I've had with the approaches I've taken to this scenario. I'll skip them here. I just need an example (C# preferred) of a server calling back to a client (over a nettcp channel), the client calculates an answer, and return...

Why I can't change the data of another model in CakePHP

Hi, I have a one-to-one relation between an Account and a User table, I'm trying to do all the pre-processing in the beforeSave of the account model, but it seems like i can only change the values of $this->data['Account'][...] and not $this->data['User'][...], why is so? function beforeSave() { // Check if this is a create or updat...

Questions on webhooks

Jeff Lindsay, who coined the term 'webhook', said that the difference between webhook and http callback is that webhooks are user-defined. I think I understand what he meant, but I was thinking about it and I asked myself, can webhooks be effectively used by regular users (I mean: non-developers)? Usually people don't have a clue how t...

How to call a function (non AJAX) after another function (non AJAX) finishes in Dojo?

Hello Stackers, This is not an AJAX request/response callback question... I am building a grid using Dojo 1.5. I am trying to dojo.connect expand/contract buttons with a function. My problem is that the grid.startup() method seems to take a while after being called before the actual DOM nodes are created, so when I call dojo.query no...

Android: Callbacks with WebView component?

I am doing authentication with a third-party site that's supposed to redirect back to my app with auth token (OAUTH). I have the callback working properly if I open the 3rd party site in a separate browser process via this.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)); but, if I embed a WebView component in my layout, and open ...

Writing callback functions

I'm using jQuery to write things like this: $('#current_image').fadeOut(function(){ $('#current_image').attr('src',newImage).show(); }); This is lovely, once the fadeOut has completed, the nested bit executes. I'd like to make my own function here that would replace fadeOut. What would my function look like so that th...

In Rails 2, how would I define a callback method when adding models in a has_many relationship?

In my project I have a Forum that has many Topics, and each Topic has many Posts. When I add a Post to a Topic, I would like to update a timestamp column in the Topic model to record when the last Post was added to the Topic. How can I do this? Thank you for looking! ...

Registering Callback / calling a function when network interface comes up

I want to meassure the time it takes for an interface on a linux system to a) become up and b) become IP capable. This would invoke as a first step to get the linux kernel to tell in some way to call a python function when an 'interface up request' has been sent. Some application (e.g. d-bus) requests: 'iface up' => timer_1.start() ...

WCF Callback Service hosted over basicHttpBinding and wsDualHttpBinding

I have a callback service that is hosted over wsDualHttpBinding. I'm looking to add a client that will poll for the data rather than receive the callback (will be a mobile device using wince for demo purposes). I was curious what the best way to do this is? You cannot create a client proxy using NetCFSvcUtil with a service hosted with ws...

callback invalid in wcf service

I have a win forms client that accesses a wcf service for a long running operation. The service exposes subscribe and unsubscribe methods. When a client calls the subscribe method, service generates new guid for it and gets the current callback context, saves this guid and callback context in a client Dictionary and returns the Guid. On ...