
What's the "revised syntax" in OCaml?

When people refer to the "revised syntax" in OCaml, do they mean that this will become a new syntax for the language, or is it just an alternative syntax created in CamlP4? If it's the former, then when does the "revised syntax" become the "official syntax" of OCaml? ...

Is it possible the get the AST for an OCaml program?

I'd like to be able to get the AST for a given OCaml program (I'd like to walk the AST and generate an instrumented version of the code or do some kind of transformation, for example). Do any of the OCaml tools support this functionality? ...

Annotations in OCaml

Hello, the title could be somewhat misleading so let me explain what I'm trying to achieve. I'm writing a programming language that has a plethora of operators which can work on multiple types with different behaviour. The implementation is evolving and operators are changing/adapting to what I find more useful while trying it. The pro...