
Text is not displaying properly with canvas on IE8

I am new to play with canvas ... and I want to display the text on canvas and I am using the excanvas script . In my application the text on canvas displaying properly on FF but not on IE8 . My code looks like ( view source ) <html> <body> <DIV style="DISPLAY: block; TOP: -9px; LEFT: -9px" id=caption_drag class="text_drag drag uiObjec...

How can I specify a browser that GWT tests should be run on?

I am writing a GWT project that uses HTML5 canvas. To test application I use GWTTestCase. For firefox some functions are supported since gecko 1.9. While testing, firefox 3.0.1 is being used and errors occur. How can I set up GWT tests to be launched on firefox 3.6? (in Eclipse using GWT plugin or using build.xml for ant) ...

Any way to clone HTML5 canvas element with its content?

Is there any way to create a DEEP copy of CANVAS element with all drawn content? ...

WPF canvas zoom and rendering

Hi Guys, I am trying to place a canvas within a control which I will then use a Layout transform to implement zooming functionality. The problem is that while enlarging the canvas is easy, cropping the required section is proving difficult. I think it boils down to the following example code: <Canvas HorizontalAlignment="Center" ...

Is it possible to make a gradient-transparent/layer masking image using canvas?

I've been following the lessons about transparency and gradients on mozillas site but I have not been able to figure this one out. I know I can achieve these effects with a png image; however, in the program I am working on the gradient will chance constantly ac...

Open/Save file in javascript

I'll write an app that'd need to let user load PNG&JSON files and then save them. How could I let user open and save such files? I wouldn't like to write up an echo server for those images. ...

"Erasing" in html5 canvas

I have a doodling application in html5 canvas, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to implement an eraser control. First impulse was just to have the eraser draw the background color [white], but this is problematic because if the user moves an image or another layer to where they've previously erased, they see the white drawing w...

can an image be manipulated using canvas

Is it possible to manipulate images using canvas? How do we get the image onto the canvas? @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon); Bitmap mBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true); canvas = new Canvas(mBitmap); Matrix matrix = ne...


I have tried to use globalCompositeOperation in a loop passing it different string (source-atop, source-over etc.) in the same 2D context but I noticed that Firefox let draw me only few shapes while Opera only the last. Now, my question is can I use only ONE globalCompositeOperation at time into the current context? ...

Silverlight event delegates

I am dynamically building an org chart in Silverlight 2 by adding lots of Grid containers to a canvas. Each grid container represents a node within the chart. I am capturing click events for the nodes as follows: grid.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grid_MouseLeftButtonUp); By design, each click event changes the lo...

Making Magic Fairy Dust With JQuery

I have the following task: Add falling fairy dust (kind of like Tinker Bell) to a website logo. The falling fairy dust should be continuously animated/falling and fading out. The website logo is a png. I would like to absolutely position a div over the existing website logo image. That div would contain the animating fairy dust. I k...

Find and set object positions

In my project there is a library bar which is created by the Element Menu by a click event. the element menu is located at a grid, which is located at the window. (see XAML data) While moving the tagged element menu/grid i want the library bar to move over the surface as well. I'm not really sure how to do it: do you think i need to use ...

In flex, giving border to Canvas

In flex, I am using canvasEdit.setStyle("borderColor", 0x0134FF); canvasEdit.setStyle("borderThickness", 3); note: canvasEdit is of type Canvas. But I am not able to put border on the sides of canvas. ...

HTML 5 canvas font being ignored

I'm trying to write some text to a canvas element, but it seems that the font options I put in are being completely ignored. No matter what I change them to, it all comes out the same, which I believe to be the default 10px sans-serif. Heres what I have (this function runs on load) function start() { canvas =

Silverlight canvas scrollbars

I have read that placing a canvas inside a scrollviewer won't work because the canvas does not report its size. I have been experimenting with different containers (borders, grids, canvases and scrollviewers) and could really do with a simple explanation of how scrollviewers behave within nested containers. e.g. If I have a container h...

Drag & Drop Custom Object Control?

I'm developing a Landscaping application, and I want to create an interface where the user can select different custom objects related to the domain, from a palette, drag & drop them into a canvas and set different properties for them. I want to set what objects he can choose. Their shape and a different edit form for each of them, depe...

overriding dispatchDraw(Canvas) in subclass of SurfaceView

What exactly does dispatchDraw(Canvas) method do? This is what the documentation says: protected void dispatchDraw (Canvas canvas) Since: API Level 1 Called by draw to draw the child views. This may be overridden by derived classes to gain control just before its children are drawn (but after its own view has been drawn). Parameters c...

using dispatchDraw(Canvas) to obtain subsection of video preview

The following is the overriden dispatchDraw in a subclass of SurfaceView. I'm trying to change the parameters of the Surface(getting only a subsection of the video preview. @Override public void dispatchDraw (Canvas canvas) { Log.d(TAG,"**************inside dispatchDraw************"); int VIEW_WIDTH =

jQuery ignore transparent areas of images

I want to make something to what has been done here: However, it doesn't work if I just copy the pixelSelection.js file from this site. I would really like to make my own, not just something somebody else wrote, but am clueless how to do it. I've tried .svg and image mapping together, ...

Using HTML5 canvas with the z axis? And how to move the canvas eye view? {Please Help me I have a deadline that ends very soon}

Hey all how do you use the z axis when drawing and moving a model? I have the following: canvas = (function () { canvas = { canvas: $("canvas"), models: [{ start: [10, 10, 10], end: [1, 10, 10], color: "silver", }, { start: [30, 30, 30], end...