
How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string in Perl?

What is the easiest way to capitalize the first letter in each word of a string? ...

is there a string method to capitalize acronyms in python?

This is good: import string string.capwords("proper name") 'Proper Name' This is not so good: string.capwords("I.R.S") 'I.r.s' Is there no string method to do capwords so that it accomodates acronyms? ...

Capitalize first letter of string in javascript

I want to capitalize the first character of a string, and not change the case of any of the other letters. For example: this is a test -> This is a test the Eiffel Tower -> The Eiffel Tower /index.html -> /index.html ...

How do I echo text in capital letters?

I want to know how to capitalize in PHP ...

How to insert capital letters to Mysql?

I want to insert capital letters like: "User One" I want to insert to Mysql as : User One But, apparently, mysql inserted as "user one". How do I insert the capital letters in mysql? I am using php code to get the name: $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); Tested several times, same result. All converted to small let...

Sometimes capitalized column name will be converted to lower case in MySQL windows ?

Like accountId -> accountid Has anyone met this kind of problem? It doesn't happen every day,though. ...

Capitalize / Capitalise first letter of every word in a string in Matlab?

What's the best way to capitalize / capitalise the first letter of every word in a string in Matlab? i.e. the rain in spain falls mainly on the plane to The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Plane ...

How to capitalize the first word of the sentece in Objective C?

I've already found how to capitalize all words of the sentence, but not the first word only. NSString *txt =@"hi my friends!" [txt capitalizedString]; I don't want to change to lower case and capitalize the first char. I'd like to capitalize the first word only without change the others. ...

Automatically capitalize first letter of first word in a new sentence in LaTeX

I know one of LaTeX's bragging points is that it doesn't have this Microsoftish behavior. Nevertheless, it's sometimes useful. LaTeX already adds an extra space after you type a (non-backslashed) period, so it should be possible to make it automatically capitalize the following letter as well. Is there an obvious way to write a macro t...

Remove all the whitespace after ',' and make first letter uppercase in CSV with PHP

I'm having a CSV like this. john,joy, anna, Lucy Bravo,boy I want to remove whitespace after ',' if it exist. And also make the first letter after ',' to be capital letter, if its not capital already. That is it should be like this: John,Joy,Anna,Lucy Bravo,Boy Only the whitespace after the ',' should go. I tried myself. But all fa...

Why does entity framework pluralize and capitalize entity class names?

Why does entity framework pluralize all the class names and capitalize the first letters by default? What are the advantages of doing this ? Probably a stupid question...but just out of curiosity? ...

Regular expression for checking if capital letters are found consecutively in a string?

Hi, I want to know the regexp for the following case: The string should contain only alphabetic letters. It must start with a capital letter followed by small letter. Then it can be small letters or capital letters. ^[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z]*$ But the string must also not contain an consecutive capital letters. How do I add that logic to ...