
Formatted pluralize

I have a case where I need to use pluralize to properly spell something. However, I need to render the html like so: <span>1</span> thing or, <span>3</span> things I could write a helper method, but I'm just making sure there isn't something in the box to do this. ...

.NET library for pluralisation

What's the best library (if one exists) for converting nouns to and from plurals? ...

How do I override rails naming conventions?

I have a model named "clothing" which I want to be the singlular (one piece of clothing). By default, rails says the plural is clothings. Right or wrong, I think it will be more readable if the plural is "clothes". How do I override the plural naming convention? Can I do it right in the model so I don't have to do it over and over?...

Pluralization service in Entity Framework - Visual Studio 2008?

Does any one know if there is kinda implementation/addon for VS 2008 SP1 for pluralization service in entity framework like there is gonna b in vs 2010? example: In database: Entity Order ---OrderId ---CustomerId ---OrderDate Entity Customer ---CustomerId ---Name In EDM: Order.Customer Customer.Orders DataContext.Orde...


Does php have any function to deal with pluralising or depluralising words? Obviously it's pretty easy to take off or replace the 's' at the end of words like 'apple' but other words are not so simple. If php doesn't have a native way of dealing with it, how do other languages deal with the problem? Is there a function that can handle ...

Test if a word is singular or plural in Ruby on Rails

Quick question. How can I test a word to see if it is singular or plural? I'd really like: test_singularity('word') # => true test_singularity('words') # => false I bet rails is capable! Thanks. ...

Hibernate pluralization

I have A MySQL database currently in production use for a CakePHP application A Java SE application accessing the same database via Hibernate, currently in development. I'm using the Netbeans "automigrate" feature to create the POJO classes and XML files (do I really need the XML files when using annotations?). As the schema is quite...

Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord: pluralization

I'm new to Rails, so forgive my ignorance of ActiveRecord. One of my models is named "campus". I ran the migration and it pluralized everything except "campus". I thought that was lame so I added the code to the environment config to leave everything singular. I deleted the tables, manually edited the migration files to use singu...

pluralize function in ruby NOT RAILS!

Writing some ruby code (not rails) and I need to handle something like this: found 1 match found 2 matches I have rails installed so maybe I might be able to add a require clause at the top of the script, but does anyone know of a RUBY method that pluralizes strings? Is there a class I can require that can deal with this if the script...

Is there a way to set custom pluralizations in EDM designer 2010?

I am using VS 2010 and I have an entity 'Person'. The pluralization-service turns its plural to 'People', I want it to be Persons. Is there a place where I can manage the pluralizations library? ...

Why does entity framework pluralize and capitalize entity class names?

Why does entity framework pluralize all the class names and capitalize the first letters by default? What are the advantages of doing this ? Probably a stupid question...but just out of curiosity? ...

Can I use linq's method of pluralizing a term?

In .net 3.5 if I generate a linq to sql data context, it does some wonderful magic to pluralize names. In my code I need to pluralize some terms. Can I use whatever method Linq is using to generate my plurals? ...

Android Pluralization not working, need help.

I've been attempting to utilize the plurals resource with Android but have not had any luck. Here is my resource file for my plurals: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <plurals name="meters"> <item quantity="one">1 meter</item> <ite...

Pluralize English words Like LINQ to SQL Does

Possible Duplicate: Pluralize - Singularize The C# 4.0 (maybe older versions, but I've only tested with 4.0) Linq-to-SQL generator will pluralize your table names; even tough plurals like Territory. It knows that Territories is the plural. Is there anyway to access this pluralization function? ...