
Allowing Google to bypass CAPTCHA verification - sensible or not?

My web site has a database lookup; filling out a CAPTCHA gives you 5 minutes of lookup time. There is also some custom code to detect any automated scripts. I do this as I don't want someone data mining my site. The problem is that Google does not see the lookup results when it crawls my site. If someone is searching for a string that i...

Text to Captcha Image using java

How to convert text to captcha image. EDIT i looked at jcaptcha. It creates a random text for a id. But i need a image with the given text. ...

jcaptcha integration with struts

Hi, I'm trying to interate a struts 1.3.8 app with jcaptcha-1.0; I added the jcaptcha jar to the app lib and added <%@ taglib uri="jcaptcha" prefix="jcaptcha"%> to my form The app couldn't find the file, so I added the following to the web.xml file <taglib-uri>jcaptcha</taglib-uri> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-1.0-all.jar...

Dotnetnuke captcha control customization

Hi, is there any way to customize Dotnetnuke captcha control? I want to change background and text color of the captcha image. I am using dnn 4.xx. ...

Why can't I fetch an AOL captcha image in my Delphi program?

New demo code: I am trying to get the captcha image from a AOL, and i keep getting an error 418. unit imageunit; /// /// h t t p s:// /// interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, ...

Captcha Alternative, how secure?

I do the web page for my local library, and I was thinking it might be kind of appealing to have a "custom" captcha based on book covers. So serve up one of several dozen book covers, and have the patron filling out the form type the book title to prove they're human. Assuming I stripped the title/author info from the image and filename,...

Is it immoral to put a captcha on a login form?

In a recent project I put a captcha test on a login form, in order to stop possible brute force attacks. The immediate reaction of other coworkers was a request to remove it, saying that it was inapropiate for that purpose, and that it was quite exotic to see a captcha in that place. I've seen captcha images on signup, contact, passwor...

user registeration form without captcha?

Hi, I was trying to sign-up Twitter today and I noticed that their registration form does not have a captcha. The form URL is I also noticed that they used an input like below. <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="ce803cee65a96aaa97bdf75da166599c3adc9ec8" /> what kind of method is this? D...

"Send Email" functionality for public web-site

Hello everybody. Public web-site provides list of employees to Internet visitors. Contact information is hidden but visitor can send email via popup email-form. What do you think about automated-scripts/viruses/bot spam activity? Is Capture a "must" for this functionality and what kind of precautions can you suggest also? Thank you ...

Use AJAX to reload captcha

Hello! This question may have been asked already - but unfortunately, I could not find any satisfactory answers. I will just ask it for my concrete case and ask the admins not to delete the question for at least a few days so I can try it out... I have a page. It uses a captcha. Like so: <?php session_start(); // the captcha saves the...

Why might this work on my server but not my schools?

I created a captcha just now, and it works PERFECTLY on my own server. On the school's server, it doesn't generate an image. Why might this be? The difference in code is one line. Edit: Originally, it was working, but I deleted the directory by mistake and I do not know why did it suddenly work in the first place. Update: I var_dumped(...

Jquery.Validate plugin + realPerson plugin

I can't figure out how to make it so the form wont fire unless the realPerson captcha is "valid". I can see that when the user types in the correct/valid letters and clicks submit it adds a class of "valid" to the input. So Ive been trying to figure out how to get the jquery.validate plugin to only fire when the class "valid" is presen...

Breaking a simple Captcha

Hello All, For testing purpose, I need to break this captcha: As you can see, this is a very simple captcha with only 4 digits of numbers. Any sample code will be highly appreciated. Thanks and Regards, Masnun ...

PHP Multiple form tokens

I understand the idea of generating a form token and storing it in a session, and also putting it as a hidden input in my forms. But how could I make this work if I have pages with multiple forms, is it still safe to use the same token for each form? And I still feel weary about bots and stuff on my website, can these form tokens reall...

Need alternatives to CAPTCHA

Spammers aren't being stopped by my CAPTCHA. What else can I use? ...

Is there a captcha solver / decoder / autofiller for Ruby?

I want to write a "client" for in Ruby and I wanted to know if there was a captcha solver / decoder / autofiller for Ruby. Thanks ...

perl captcha doesn't refresh on windows 7

I have created a captcha which looks like this: <img src="/cgi-bin/" /> The problem is that if someone navigates away from or back to the page with the captcha on it, it doesn't refresh which makes the captcha invalid (especially if they have already submitted the form before) Is there anyway to force a refresh as I suspect set...

How to install custom modules in Kohana 3 framework

I'm learning framework KohanaPhp 3 and I have a problem with adding a module called kolanos-Kohana-captcha. What I've done so far is: I copied the directory kolanos-kohana-captcha into modules directory Copied kolanos-kohana-captcha/config/captcha.php to file application/config/captcha.php Edited the file and added Bootstrap.php ...

best CAPTCHA framework for gae.

i need a CAPTCHA framework on google-app-engine what a CAPTCHA framework you are using . thanks like this : ...

Rails Controller Tests for Captcha using Shoulda, Factory Girl, Mocha

Can someone provide a strategy/code samples/pointers to test Captcha validations + Authlogic using Shoulda, Factory Girl and Mocha? For instance, my UsersController is something like: class UsersController < ApplicationController validates_captcha ... def create ... if captcha_validated? # code to deal with user attributes end ....