
WPF: Slider doesnt raise MouseLeftButtonDown or MouseLeftButtonUp

I tried this XAML: <Slider Width="250" Height="25" Minimum="0" Maximum="1" MouseLeftButtonDown="slider_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="slider_MouseLeftButtonUp" /> And this C#: private void slider_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { sliderMouseDown = true; } private void slider_MouseLeftButtonUp(obje...

Prevent an element from "capturing" the mouse using jQuery?

I'm trying to resize an embedded object. The issue is that when the mouse hovers over the object, it takes "control" of the mouse, swallowing up movement events. The result being that you can expand the div containing the object, but when you try to shrink it, if the mouse enters the area of the object the resize halts. Currently, I...