
How did you choose a technology to specialize in

I know it is kind of subjective, but as I've seen questions around like "How did you land your first job" etc. I thought it might be suitable. With so many technologies coming out these days and employers asking for specialists in those (no one is looking for generalists), I'm wondering how people here managed to pick one technology (or ...

What does a Build and Release Developer do?

I need someone give me career advice about the Build and Release Developer role. I don't know exactly what the Build and Release Developer does. What's the difference between the Build and Release Developer and a regular product Developer? Do they have the same skill requirements or does the regular product Developer need higher ski...

vb and ado dot net have good scope? the company that offer me a job only works on that technology

might be repetitive question..please answer guys 1.the company that offer me a job only works on vb and technology I'm new to dotnet. I dont know about it..So tell me about the scope,?Is it good to say yes to my employer? 2.after 2 years of experience in that , will i still can get a good job, ? 3..Most of the companies sti...

ADF vs. EJB/Spring: Where should I invest my time?

I am a junior Java SE developer, planning to become a Java Standard Edition professional. Which technologies/frameworks will be the smartest thing for me to learn? I will invest a lot of time and energy on the technologies that I eventually choose and it will be the basis for my carreer. I need to choose carefully. I have one question i...

Dealing with personal failure

A while ago I was given the task of updating and extending the functionality of a software project. I was given a year to make the needed changes working solo. A month into development I came to the conclusion that it would take longer to change the existing product than to rewrite it from the ground up (a decision I now regret). I'd ne...

Getting moved out of a development job

I'm a year out of college and I started my first dev job at a small (<15 people) company several months ago. It was an internship position that recently turned full time. The position started out as development but for full time I got offered a grab bag of positions: qa, docs, call support and some dev work. It's clear that my employer...

Changing careers to Software Engineering.... Wise?

Hello everyone, I notice this site has a wealth of software professionals and I am investigating a career change to Software Engineering: *Particularly, I would like to know how likely one would be able to work from home or another country over the internet. Is this something that can be done and what does it usually entail? (time?,...

What's best choice career-wise, to know a little about a lot or a lot about a little?

I work as a developer at a rather small company and we are providing a web application that is used by a big base of customers. Because we are so small everyone have to be able to do a lot of different tasks. It ranges from advanced support, developing the product (programming: c/c++, c#, php, sql, javascript, html, css), handle network ...

trying to reenter IT field after a break of over 5 years

Hello. I have had some misfortune in life - I was unwell and had to stay out of work for an extended period of about 5 years. Before that I used to work as an Oracle/Oracle Ebusiness suite consultant. But now I am fully recovered, feeling sharper than ever. But there aren't many opportunities in my areas of expertise in a small marke...

A moral dilemma - What job to go for?

Here is the story: I have accepted an offer from a gaming company to work as an senior test engineer / developer. I have not yet received an signed copy of the contract. I will get a bit less salary then I asked for and it is as well less than I have today. The company have booked flight tickets for my move over there. Now comes the pro...

Best .NET Development Conference

My employer has offered to send me to any conference I choose this year. I guess I just missed MIX. I went to VSLive last year and enjoyed it quite a bit. I've never been to PDC or TechEd so that's what I'm leaning toward. Am I missing any others? ...

What should compsci majors do over the summer?

I'm a freshman going to be a sophomore in college, majoring in Computer Science. What are some things I could be doing (besides chilling - done too much of that) in order to further my career? I have a job, but I also want to do something with all the time I have, in this glorious time of no school called summer. ...

can you have a java career without a CS degree ?

What is the best way to prepare for a java career ? Could you study on your own, make a few open source projects or work as a freelancer to build credibility ? OR should I sit through my 3 year CS program. I am in heavy student loan debt from my previous I'm trying to find the fastest way to find a job, or get paid ! ...

How to get it working in O(n)?

Possible Duplicate: Interview Q: given an array of numbers, return array of products of all other numbers (no division) I came across an interview task/question that really got me thinking ... so here it goes: You have an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to mul...

Am I a dinosaur programmer?

I have been a professional programmer for more than 30 years, and have chosen a career path involving hands-on programming. Programming is something that I love, and I take great pride in the fact that I have continued to keep up to date with current technology. Projects on which I have worked include large enterprise projects as well as...

how is the career in the ematrix tool and in plm domain

Hi I have about 2 years of experience in Java- telecom domain, I have an offer from a firm.,they are ready to train me in ematrix and I will be working on the products built on ematrix, ematrix is built upon question is what is the popularity of ematrix,will this skill will be of good value, at a later time.. ...

In the meantime, to be or not to be ... productive!

I just moved back to Europe from the US after living there for 7 years. Apart from major adjustment issues, I'm currently looking for a job over here. I'm mainly interested in (IT) Consulting and, since these jobs typically require programming knowledge, such as Java, I'm trying to think of something productive to write (perhaps to demo ...

Coping with feelings of technical mediocrity

As I've progressed as a programmer, I noticed more nuance and areas I could study in depth. In part, I've come to think of myself from, at one point, a "guru" to now much less, even mediocre or inadequate. Is this normal, or is it a sign of a destructive excessive ambition? Background I started to program when I was still a kid, I ha...

Passive income for a web/software developer/designer

i am a web/software developer/designer and is looking for some means of earning income, part time/freelance/passively apart from my studies/work i have some ideas, mainly with personal website/blog/portfolio: use pay per click like Google AdSense affiliate marketing like Amazon Associates what other options are there? i guess inves...

How to work as a freelancer

Hi, I am a .NET developer with total experience of more than 5.5 years. I have worked on VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET 1.1, .NET 2.0. Can I work as a freelancer? If yes, what is the procedure for the it? What are dos and donts for freelancing ? Can anyone guide me? ...