
Will sharpening my sword eventually lead to it cutting my head off?

Sharpening the sword: All I've read in the developer community suggests that I should keep learning and studying to become the best developer I can. This will make me better at my job and more valuable as an employee. Cutting my head off: However there seems to be an influx of cheap programming labor constantly coming int to the mark...

What can I do to improve a project if there is a no-listening situation. Developers vs Management

Hi all, I hope that I'm not the only one and I can get a answer from someone with more experience than me, so I can think cleaner and I don't get depressed with this developer's life. I'm working as developer for a small company three years now. In that three years I'm working in the same project and sincerely, I think this project cou...

How do I change careers to become a programmer without spending a lot of money

I'm currently a network engineer, but find myself wanting to get into the world of development. I took a little bit of Java in college, am 27 years old and have been network engineering for 4 years now. I have a mortgage and student loans so going back to school would be difficult. I'm willing to put in however much hardwork is needed ar...

Roadmap for Architecture

Ok, I am a developer for 6 years now and I came from a hater to an enthusiast about technology. I am a senior developer, almost all focused in web applications,, quite experienced and very, very focused in develop myself. I come to a crossroads in my area, I want to become an Architect, not an analyst or a project manager. I like...

Has anybody managed to teach themself strong OOP skills through mainly developing with JavaScript?

I am trying to do this, I'm a full time front-end dev and am aware that I am yet to achieve this. When I am referring to OOP skills I am referring to understanding and being familiar with concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction. I am aware that it may be more likely to achieve what I'm after by focusing on an...

When do married programmers find time to work?

Possible Duplicate: How do you keep a balance between working, training, health and family? Since I married (~year ago) I feel that I don't have enough time to work anymore. For years I've been working at my day job doing regular stuff, and at nights I've been committing to the opensource projects, freelancing and self-educati...

What some good PHP jobs?

I am no professional PHP coder or anything, in fact I am fairly new. I can develop sites but nothing too crazy or fancy with PHP,Mysql,CSS,HTML,javascript. Up to now, all I have been doing is practice coding from books and websites. I am now looking for a 'real-life' experience. Besides going to a company and getting an interview, are ...

Java certification roadMap

I am a .net programmer for sometime, and I was thinking about getting a Java certification, but unlike .Net, Java is a mystery to me. What are good certification books? What is the roadmap for the certifications? Is that the best path, or the only path? Thank you very much ...

Manual testing Vs Automated testing

Respected all, As many know testing can be mainly classified into manual and automated testing. With regard to this certain questions come to mind. Hope you can help... They include: What is the basic difference between the two types of testing? What are the elements of challenges involved in both manual and automated testing? What ...

So many technologies to choose from. Where does the beginner start?

Possible Duplicate: How did you choose a technology to specialize in WPF Silverlight Windows phone 7 w/ Silverlight iPhone OS w/ Objective-C Cocoa w/ Objective-C ASP.NET Android Facebook FBML HTML5 I will be graduating with B.S. in Computer Science soon and have to decide what do I want to learn from this list. I believe i...

How can I find open source projects in need of project management resources?

I'm a developer who wants to improve and exercise project management skills in order to improve my career path choices (better job offers, more varied potential positions). If I don't have opportunities to do this in my work, how can I find other projects that will allow me to exercise these skills? Basically I want to find extracurr...

Afraid of new people

I've been working for about a year in this start-up as a developer and in this time I've managed to get acquainted with the technologies we're working with. However, there's this one client that I've grown fond of over time and for which I've devoted my full attention and expertise when needed. The problem is my boss wants to expand the ...

How to do some creative development to come out of a programming slump?

I am currently facing a programming slump. Getting bored to the limits. How I fell into this situation? Some months back I started using Java and got into the habit of using libraries to plug in algorithms in my code. That kept me away from coding many algorithms on my own (to some extent a good software engineering practice) but I hav...

How can an application developer prepare for cloud?

As an application developer I mostly spend time with java, oracle stuff. I am not very good at linux/unix systems - in general system admin stuff. I am wondering how to prepare for this change in underlying infrastructure. What does it mean to application developers and how can/should they train themselves? Any books or resources? One th...

parallel skillset with perl

Hi, I'm a software engineer and has been working extensively on Perl. For in this competitive world I want to know what other skills are required with Perl to keep me up to the market. ...

One advice you would give yourself 5 years ago?

Possible Duplicate: One piece of advice I always end up saying, I wish I knew this when I was making a career decisions. So can you share your advice about how to make good career decisions? From your experience what is the most important when it comes to choosing your next employer? ...

Are there more jobs in .NET or in Java?

If possible, please quote any resources or link to any industry studies showing whether there are more .NET or Java jobs and also, which do you think is more in demand? ...

Does occasional open source contributions make much sense?

I made some open source contributions to existing projects in form of patches(which were eventually accepted). But I don't understand how this occasional contributions can be a good thing when looking for a job.. Most likely that your customer won't look for patches in different places. For me, it looks like OSS contributions can be he...

Can i get into iPhone development?

I am discussing a iPhone job, though I do not have iPhone SDK experience. I would like to know how I can convince the client and myself that I can do the job. Is C/C++ a good background? (In addition to C# etc.) Is other mobile frameworks or GUI-development considered more interesting background? +1: As a comparison, I think any devel...

Should I study or stay at my job?

I have a great software engineering job, but I'm wondering if I should quit and get a Masters degree in software engineering. The reason I want to do this is because in the last few years I've been reading books about software engineering on and off and this subject has become more and more interesting to me. I don't feel like the amount...