
Cassini Modification for Anonymous Access for ASP.NET 3.5

Hi All, I'm using Cassini to run an ASP.NET app on a machine where I don't have access to IIS. I'm using Cassini for .NET 3.5. My website uses Windows authentication and when run on Cassini User.Identity.Name returns an empty string. I'm guess this does this because it is allowing anonymous access to my website. This is documented h...

Why does Request["host"] == "" whereas Request.Url.Host == "localhost"

Hi all, I seem to have found a discrepancy when testing ASP.NET applications locally on the built-in web server with Visual Studio 2008 (Cassini). I've set up a host on my local machine associating with, since I have an application that needs to change its appearance depending on the host header used to call i...

Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC project: setting the start URL

Consider an ASP.NET MVC 2 project with VS 2010. The goal is to set the 'start URL' on run/debug using VS's built-in Cassini web server. Entering the URL as I want to be loaded, in the typical & valid format, controller/action, VS 2010 gives this exception. Tried Remedies: starting the URL with and without a slash ending the URL wit...

How would you compare IIS & Cassini as production servers?

I have an ASP.NET website which is running currently on IIS. Now I want to move that site to run on Cassini. What are the advantages of Cassini over IIS? What are its disadvantages? What are your experiences using Cassini as a production web-server? ...

Is there a variable I could use to identify the project directory at the command line options in the project properties in Visual Studio 2008?

In Visual Studio 2008 when you go to properties of a project (an ASP.NET MVC one at least) you have the option to run an external program. There are three parts for it: the path to the program, the command line options, the working directory. I need to pass the root of my web application as a command line argument. I don't want to hardc...

LINQ-to-SQL Locks SQL Server during query?

Having a weird problem. I'm testing an ASP.NET application I wrote that queries SQL server via AJAX. The application is using LINQ-to-SQL to load data from approx 8 or so tables in a join, and every once in a while, the call to SQL server locks up and never returns. My first thought was that it was getting deadlocked, but from what I'...

JS,Images and CSS getting intercepted by HTTPModule

I have a simple HTTPModule which does some custom session state management. public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.AcquireRequestState += new EventHandler(ProcessBeginRequest); ActivityLogger.LogInfo( DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString() + " In Init " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteU...

Using Type.GetType() with unreferenced assembly with Cassini/Visual Studio Dev. Server

I've got some code var type = Type.GetType("namespace, assembly"); return Activator.CreateInstance(type); thats works fine in most situations, however when this code is referenced in the Global.asax of a website that is debugged using Cassini/Visual Studio Development Server the type cannot be found. The type is in an assembly that...

Add http headers to Cassini via config

Our web site is currently deployed to an IIS7 server. We are setting some http headers via the config file such as this: <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <remove name="X-UA-Compatible" /> <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE7" /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> This works great for myself as I host my per...

Cassini vs IIS Authentication Issue

Hi All, I have a C# webservice in .net 4.0. The webservice will create a file on a UNC path. If I let the Cassini web server in visual studio do the authentication it works fine. But if I change the application to use IIS (Windows 7) then the file doesn't get created but no error is reported. If I change the location of the generate...

Any tutorials about how to create an ASP.NET MVC 2 website and run it against Local IIS Web Server (not use Cassini)

Hello folks, does anyone have any good links/tutorials about how to create a simple ASP.NET MVC website, and have it run against a Local IIS7 Web Server, instead of the default Visual Studio Development Server (aka Cassini). Yes, i tried google, but i fail at getting some good keywords, etc. Cheers :) ...

Differences in behaviour between IIS and the ASP.Net Web Development Server?

During development, I usually test ASP.Net applications using the Web Development Server (sometimes called Cassini). Occasionally, when I publish to a real IIS environment, I notice that the application behaves differently. So, what are the differences between the way that production IIS servers and the ASP.Net Web Development Server be...

What is wrong with my Basic Authentication in my Browser?

Hi folks, i'm trying to goto the following url :- http://user1:pass1@localhost:1234/api/users?format=xml nothing to complex. Notice how i've got the username/password in the url? this, i believe, is for basic authentication. When I do that, the Request Headers are MISSING the 'Authorize' header. Er... that's not right :( I have ...

How does SimpleWorkerRequest associate MIME types with extensions?

I was serving html referencing svg files in Cassini, and having problems since the mime type was not being sent properly. I ended up writing my own port of Cassini that set the extension based on mime type. After a good night of sleep I realized that there might be some sort of registry key or config file where I can configure custom mi...

run Cassini from console

I debug my project from console with MsBuild.exe. After i compile project i want to start and test it, but i have problem that i can not start Cassini for testing project. Can i run Cassini from console? ...

ASP.NET Compiles on page load, but not on Ctrl+Shift+B

during debug in cassini the code runs fine, but when I explictly build it, the compile breaks on an object saying it can't find the reference. During a breakpoint shows the proper reference to the object, and I can view the debug intellisense. The code itself is simple using CFTW.Controls; ... controls_LatestPresentations c = LoadCont...

Override mime type with VS Web Dev Server

I would like to serve xbaps from the VS web dev server (cassini) to Firefox, but when served from the dev server, Firefox offers to download this file. As far as I can tell, this is because the dev server is serving the xbap file with a mime type of "application/octet-stream" instead of "application/x-ms-xbap", which works when served fr...

Debugging ASP.NET on a built-in web server suddenly stops

I have Windows Server 2008 (64-bit), VS 2008 with its built-in webserver and an ASP.NET MVC 1.0 webapp. All I'm trying to do is to debug said app. I have a bunch of breakpoints, but they behave in a very strange way. When I fist start a debugging session with F5 and hit a breakpoint, the debugger stops just fine. However, after serveral...

The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.

I have a hybrid web forms / mvc application that I recently converted to .net 4 with mvc2. I have set-up that application to run on IIS 7.5 (on Windows 7) and the web forms part of the site is running okay but the MVC part is not. Whenever I try and access a page that needs to go through the routing engine I get HTTP Error 404.0...

Forcing loading of development server with DEBUG for testing wcf service (nunit)?

can anyone help? I have a solution in vs 2010 which contains a WCF Service application and a class library which has a number of Nunit test. The nunit tests the service. Problem is that there is no Development server running - is it possible to force it to run under debug mode.. I can press F5 but then i can't run my tests. M...