
XBAP Application, can these work in Google Chrome?

I'm developing a .NET 3.5 XBAP application that runs perfectly fine in FF3 and IE6/7 etc. I'm just wondering if its possible to get these to run under other browsers, specifically (as its in the limelight at the moment) Google Chrome. ...

Keyboard shortcuts in an XBAP

I would like to support keyboard shortcuts in my WPF XBAP application, such as Ctrl-O for 'Open' etc. How do I disable the browsers built-in keyboard shortcuts and replace them with my own? ...

How to add XAML storyboard animation to a full blown WPF Custom Control in an XBAP?

We are creating custom WPF controls (not user controls) for an XBAP application and we would like to add a storyboard animation to scale the control to be 110% of its original size when the mouse hovers over it. We've used Blend to create the storyboard and it compiles just fine...however, when we run, it does not animate up to 110%. I...

How to update an XBAP's config file after deployment?

We have a WPF XBAP application that we want to change the configuration on the server after it is deployed. Since the config file is embedded in the deployment files, how is this possible? For example, we want to change the database connection strings the deployed app is connected to or we want to update the WCF service binding setting...

Open new Page from an Xbap

Our application is an Xbap running in full trust. I have a function similar to this: private void ShowPage(Page page) { NavigationWindow mainWindow = Application.Current.MainWindow as NavigationWindow; mainWindow.Navigate(page); } This works great for browsing inside an existing window. I would like to open this new page in ...

Publish on Xbap to IIS on Windows Server 2003

Ive programmed an Xbap Application and published it to Windows XP computer without any problem. Now I want to publish the Xbap application to a Computer running Windows Server 2003. I do'nt get any failure when I´m publish the application, but when I try to browse the application I got failure and I cant browse the application. When i ...

What happens when a code signing certificate expires?

I am considering purchasing a code signing certificate from VeriSign or Thawte to sign an XBAP with. My question is this: What happens when that certificate expires? $299 and $599 are pretty hefty prices for 1-year/2-year cerificates, and if I have to deliver a newly signed build to my customers whenever my certificate expires, then I'll...

How to open an image in IE browser using XBAP under partial trust ?

Hi, How to open an Image in browser (IE) from our XBAP Application???? I did not saved the image file anywhere and i have the object of the Image class (I will assign its content later - dynamically). I want to open this image in the browser from my XBAP partialy trusted application. Thanks in advance, ...

Polling webservice performance - Will this work?

Hi! Our app need instant notification, so obvious I should use some some WCF duplex, or socket communication. Problem is the the app is partial trust XBAP, and thus I'm not allowd to use anything but BasicHttpBinding. Therefore I need to poll for changes. No comes the question: My PM says the update interval should be araound 2 sec, an...

Specify XBAP at runtime, in my .NET WPF application?

Can I host an XBAP in my WPF application dynamically? Can I download an XBAP, set it to be hosted in my WPF application, and interact with it programatically? ...

Is this list a correct understanding of Microsoft's current application deployment options?

I'm trying to get my head around the many application deployment options which Microsoft currently offers. Doing a little research turned up dozens of confusing terms: "WPF App" "ClickOnce App" "WPF ClickOnce App" "MSI App" "XBAP App" "XBAP App deployed with ClickOnce" "Installed ClickOnce App" "WPF Web App" "ASP.NET Web App" "ASP.NE...

Partial trust XBAP & Windows Integrated Authenitcation - Fiddler hides problem

Hi! I got a asp.net portal lanching a 3.5 sp1 partial trust XBAP. The portal is running under Integrated Windows Authentication, but I'm unable to make the XBAP run under integrated auth. The XBAP downloads, and lanches fine, but once a call a WS on the same server (different web site) I get a 401 error. If I set the WS to use anonymo...

WPF XBAP applications blank after second/third deploy?

This has happened repeatedly on various machines in VS2008 and Visual C# 2008. I create an XBAP appliation. I click the green arrow and it works. I click Build/Publish and publish it to either a website or folder, it works. I make some changes, publish again, and I just get a white screen. Both browsers, can restart, always blank. I...

Real time scripting language + MS DLR?

For starters I should let you guys know what I'm trying to do. The project I'm working on has a requirement that requires a custom scripting system to be built. This will be used by non-programmers who are using the application and should be as close to natural language as possible. An example would be if the user needs to run a custo...

.NET client vs. ActiveX (or another approach?)

Does anyone have any white papers or articles that would compare and contrast a web architecture where a .NET client component is required and the options being considered are ActiveX or a .Net component solution? I have a customer that wants to architecturally recommend a .Net client approach over Active X. However, there are some st...

Getting URL of browser-based WPF application

Is there way to get a current browser location URL in WPF browser application XBAP? I mean a location from where the application is loaded. Thanks. ...

Loading dlls from gac is blocking app

The last few months my application grew bigger and bigger. It's runnable as Wpf .EXE and XBAP at the moment, both sharing the same code. At a few points in the application, the application locks. After invertigating I found out that the application is loading dlls from the GAC at these moments. What happens is that the application star...

Listbox item foreground problem

I am facing a problem with one of my XBAP (WPF Browser application) projects: Here I have two list boxes: One a simple list containing text content Second one containing an expander as each item: Now when I click on the item in the first listbox (on the left side), the foreground changes to white and then changes back to black if ...

Import RTF with images in xbap

I need to import a RTF document into a FlowDocument for further parsing.. But I have a very strange problem: public string ConvertRTF(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } FlowDocument document = new FlowDocument(); // open the file for reading using (MemoryStream str...

How do I run a Full Trust XBAP on intranet?

I've made a WPF Browser Application that hosts old WinForms controls (I haven't migrated fully to WPF yet). Using WindowsFormsHost means my Browser App requires Full Trust to run. This is not a problem for me since this app is only meant to be run on the intranet at my company. However, after I deploy the xbap to a network share, it refu...