
Binding a Popup to another controls relative screen position

I'm writing an XBAP w/a complex popup(canvas zindex of 99 w/a grid on it...) that I would like to "attach" to the button that opens it and follow that button around wherever it goes on the screen. For example if the button is in a ListBox or a XamDataGrid I would like the popup to follow the button as it scrolls through. If it is benea...

MAPI in XBAP Application

I'm building an XBAP application to sit within an iFrame, which plays media files. I have a button that I want to be able to click once and compose an email with the media files attached. All the code I have written for handling the MAPI has been testing in standard C# application and works, but in most cases won't in the XBAP. For i ...

Does Silverlight use Presentation Host ?

I deal mostly with XBAP, Q1.XBAP normally uses the PresentationHost.exe to get the work done,What does SilverLight use? Q2.Are there considerable differences in moving from XBAP to SilverLight ? (Experience Based or fact based answers?) Can somebody give me a rundown? ...

XBAP Exception Notifier

Hi, I'm planning to design an exception notifier which in an XBAP application (Partial Trust). The exception notifier will be a user control. It will consist of a list box on the left side with all the error messages and a detailed explanation of that error message on the right hand side which will be another listbox (templated one) I ...

xbap custom loader in internet explorer

I have a xbap application, which works fine. But the problem is that I've nested the xbap app within an iframe. The site`s background color containing the iframe is black. I want to change the xbap application loader (downloader) background color to fit the site appearance. Any ideas? ...

Logging strategy for XBAP Application.

We have a WPF Application that runs from both desktop and as a XBAP application.For the desktop application log4net based logging is provided.Now the thing is that log4net may not work on the XBAP version.So I am looking for some possible solution for logging.Has anyone done anything in the area? Suggestion are welcome.I'm looking for so...

F1 help in XBAP

Hi, I understand Stack Overflow is the place for really specific questions that only a couple of people would be interested in so here goes... I have an application which is deployed as an XBAP which contains some embedded WinForms popup modal dialogs - it's a combination of legacy code and some new stuff and we don't have time for a co...

Do we need to install Intermediate Code Signing cert for full trust XBAP/ClickOnce app?

We are creating a Full-Trust XBAP application and it needs to be installed/executed remotely outside of the customer's domain. In order to accomplish this we have purchased a Thawte code-signing certificate. We have used the spc and pvk from Thawte to create the pfx file for code-signing in VS 2008 on our XBAP. We import the pvx/cer...

Set default browser when debugging WPF?

I'm using VWD Express 2008 to develop a WPF Browser Application. When I start debugging, it launches the XBAP in my default browser, which is Opera. Obviously, XBAPs don't work in Opera, so I have to repeatedly right-click on the document to open in IE. Is there any way to change the settings for PresentationHost.exe so that it always o...

XBAP: Binding to object from resource not work?

In “Wpf Browser Application” project. Page: <Page.Resources> <local:SomeClass x:Key="someClass" Value="String from XAML"/> </Page.Resources> <StackPanel> <TextBox Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource someClass}, Path=Value}" /> </StackPanel> and class: internal class SomeClass { public SomeClass() { Value = "...

WPF vs XBAP vs Silverlight... which suits business applications?

I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the ins and outs of full fledged WPF client applications. I know that WPF client applications supports the full .NET Framework 3.5, allows for hardware acceleration of 2D and 3D graphics, theming, templating, styling, triggers, the works. What I'm not clear about is what features, and/or niceties are ei...

Calling caspol.exe

I'm deploying an xbap application that runs as a full-trusted app. To get permissions on each client, I'm currently running a batch file that just calls caspol.exe. It basically just does this: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol -m -ag 1 -url "*" FullTrust -exclusive on This works fine. However...

xbap gracefully handle lack of permissions

I have an Xbap application that is part of an intranet application that needs file system access. Ive made the app full trust, signed it with a valid certificate and imported the cert into ie and the xbap works perfectly. My issue is that I want to gracefully handle a Permission Denied exception if the user doen't have the certificate ...

Can WPF browser apps be used as a replacement for ASP.NET?

I don't understand the purpose of the WPF browser appliction. Is it simply another way of serving information through a browser, or is it not intended to be used for external deployment? ...

Databinding in XBAP throws reflection error

I have a listbox that I'm binding to a collection of objects. In the code behind, I get a list of the jobs and bind it to the listbox items source: List<JobEntity> jobList = new List<JobEntity>(); Job j = new Job(); jobList = j.LoadJobs(pageSize, pageIndex); lbxJobs.ItemsSource = jobList; In the xaml, I then try and access some of ...

XBAP Application and Remoting - Should I use an SSL Certificate

I am considering deploying an existing WPF application as an XBAP application. It currently uses TCP remoting which i would likely change to HTTP remoting. What is the best way to secure the communication - will using an SSL certificate on the remoting server be sufficient or are further steps necessary in such a scenario? ...

type fidelity using WCF/WPF over internet

We are trying to come up with an architecture approach for designing an application where front end runs as a browser based xaml app. this app contacts services on the web server that are built using wcf, the wcf services host domain model that uses nhibernate for persistence (so it is hibernate aware by using interfaces for lists and s...

Is recording audio allowed in XAML Browser Applications

Hi all, I am searching ways to perform audio recording from the client's computer. I have stumbled upon XAML Browser Applications - XBAPs, and I want to make sure, is it possible to perform audio recording using it? ...

What is the difference between Silverlight and XBAP?

What is the difference between Silverlight and XBAP? Where would you use one vs. the other? ...

App.config files in XBAP

Hi, I'm developing an XBAP application with FullTrust. I have an App.config file which is part of the XBAP application. I use it to read some values from the AppSettings section. The scenario is, I publish my application once to IIS with some values in the App.config file. Now, if I need to update some values in the App.config file how...