
.NET: What is the status of the Castle Project?

Clicking through to the download-page if see that the last version of the download is over one year old and it's also "just" a Release Candidate of version 1.0. There are really no news on any development. Yes, you can find newer versions from the nightly builds, but that's not a real serious option. Also, the "getting-started" and des...

Is ActiveRecord bad practice?

I'm starting a new project and i've recently found castle project activerecord, which seems like a GREAT solution, but at the same time, it looks like something realy unconventional. I was wondering, does this feeling comes from learning something new (and i should just get used to it) or is really bad practice? ...

Combine and compress CastleProject MonoRails' formhelper.js and behaviour.js?

Anyone who works with CastleProject MonoRails MVC who knows if I can combine and/or compress formhelper and behaviour js files together into something like monorails.js? I want to get the amount of webrequests as low as possible.. ...

where does the build log go when building castle project with nant?

I am trying to build castle project using nant and get output ending in the following: common.compile-dll: [csc] Compiling 92 files to 'C:\code\OSS\castle\build\net-3.5\release\Castle.Core.dll'. [csc] error CS0006: Metadata file 'System.Core.dll' could not be found ...

Can I access generated query without executing it?

I know how to enable debugging so all queries that get run appear in my console. Is there any way to simply output the generated query without executing it? ...