
Microsoft CCI - resources, references for writing compilers

Some time ago, I was working on compiler, I've used System.Reflection to generate code (IL) from my AST. Now, I've an idea for another compiler that I'd like to work on (it will be another pet project, nothing that will be used in production code, at least, not now). As you know, pet projects have one big advantage over production cod...

Mono Cecil vs. PostSharp Core vs. Microsoft CCI for implementing AOP framework

Which is the better in terms of capabilities, easy of use, documentation, samples, community/support, VS integration, known implementations, long-term viability, and build speed to implement a custom AOP framework? I'll start with what I know (I have only tried PostSharp to so far): Microsoft Common Compiler Instrastruture (CCI): I've...

Microsoft CCI based Obfuscator

Hi, I want to write an .NET obfuscator based on Microsoft CCI library. I found a few obfuscators written with Mono.Cecil, but there are no CCI based. Are there any potential problems with CCI for this task? Thanks in advance. ...

Common Compiler Infrastructure: How to work with ICustomAttribute

I'm attempting to use CCI-Metadata for creating a code generator, by iterating over a set of assemblies, discovering the types and their metadata and then generating the code. I would like to be able to control the code generation by attaching custom attributes to the metadata of the original types. Something like: [GenerateSpecialClas...